CPU Lüfter falsch rum eingebaut?
Bin ich dumm und habe meinen CPU kühler falsch herum eingebaut?
falls ja, gestern verbaut, muss ich Wärmeleitpsdte neu auftragen oder einfach drehen und fertig?
Bin ich dumm und habe meinen CPU kühler falsch herum eingebaut?
falls ja, gestern verbaut, muss ich Wärmeleitpsdte neu auftragen oder einfach drehen und fertig?
Gehäuse: https://geizhals.de/sharkoon-tg5-a1670010.html AIO: https://geizhals.de/arctic-liquid-freezer-iii-360-acfre00136a-a3128759.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
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Yes, you installed the fan wrongly, so you didn’t pay attention to the airflow. The air no longer circulates correctly. I would expand it and remove the heat-conducting paste completely again and again.
I did, now it’s not a heating oven anymore, thank you
yes it is wrongly mounted
Fan must point forward, the air draws from the front, which is normal fresh air thanks to the front housing fan and then pushes it through the cooler to the rear, where the air is transported from the rear housing fan to the top.
and in this case the WLP does not need to renew again
Can’t you just mount the fan differently?
Then the direction of the air flow would also fit again.
Say he’s wrong?
You need to distinguish between the heat sink (seated on the CPU and is the structure with the many metal discs) and the fan (the part with the wings that blow the air).
In order for the cooling to function correctly, the air at the CPU cooler must be blown in the direction of the blow-out fan (at the rear side of the housing).
If you have incorrectly mounted the entire cooling tower, then you can either turn the entire cooling tower — or my proposal for a simpler solution, you just screw the fan off the cooler and mount it in the reverse direction. So, for example, he sucks instead of blowing, or otherwise. This is usually easier to accomplish and creates the same effect.
If you have actually installed your CPU cooler and remove it again, of course you need to apply thermal conductivity paste again
If you had actually set a picture of the CPU fan, you might also be able to answer it. This is the only way to see the housing fan and the heat sink.
The air flow is to go from the heat sink to the rear side of the housing to the housing fan.
If this is the case, you will only be able to check.