CPU Lüfter bei über 1800rpm?

Guten Tag,

Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen ein neuen CPU Lüfter eingebaut und gemerkt das er sehr laut ist.

Nach dem ich in ein program gemerkt habe das der Lüfter über 1800rpm läuft, habe ich gemerkt das was nicht stimmt.

Meine Frage ist jetzt wie kann ich allgemein mein pc leiser stellen. Vor allem denn kühler?

am besten ohne bios wenn es geht.

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1 year ago

Leiser ≠ cooler (and such settings should be done exclusively in BIOS)

How warm is the CPU when you don’t do anything on the PC?

Did you forget the film from the cooler? The cooler does not sit properly on the CPU either.


1 year ago

The question is why your CPU cooler turns to 1800rpm.

For explanation, all modern motherboards regulate the speed of the CPU fan using the CPU temperature. More warm = more speed for more cooling.

That your fan runs on 1800rpm will most likely be due to your CPU getting too hot.

That’s why check again!

  • Do you have heat-conducting paste on the CPU
  • If a protective film is still on the contact surface of the CPU cooler
  • Is the CPU cooler screwed properly
1 year ago
Reply to  MaxIxaM123

This is completely normal

1 year ago
Reply to  MaxIxaM123

Okay, that’s an important information.

That means cooling goes.

Then look where you connected the fan. In addition to the CPU_FAN plug, many motherboards have a second for AIO water pumps, which are set by default so that they rotate permanently to 100%.

1 year ago

No, the fan isn’t happening. It is built to run on this speed.

The axle bearing welds hold stronger, but this is a difference whether the fan now lasts 8 or 10 years. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄

1 year ago

If he keeps running on 1800rpm, you should check your settings first.
If one assumes that the Max 2000rpm fan could, your CPU becomes too warm.

So here you should check if the fan is actually properly mounted, etc.
Did you just reassemble the fan or the whole thing?

First check if it’s properly mounted and how warm your CPU is.