CPU Leistungsproblem?

Ich weiss nicht ob das Normal ist aber immer wenn ich Battlefield 2042 spiele ist meine CPU fast immer bei 100% und meine GPU wird zu 1 Prozent ausgelastet, dabei sollte die doch viel mehr arbeiten oder ist das normal? Ausserdem habe ich ingame bei niedrigen Grafikeinstelungen fast keine FPS was mit meiner Grafikkarte eigentlich nicht sein sollte.

Meine Grafikkarte ist die RTX3060Ti und mein Prozessor ein AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Six-core

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3 months ago

Hello jlnwalk,

Yes, it makes sense.

The CPU is too slow for the GPU, at least on low settings.

The CPU has to work more and the GPU is bored.

That’s called bottlenecks.

That’s why you don’t use it to set the settings down because the CPU is limited.

It’s time to upgrade.


3 months ago

Well, that the CPU is a little slow, may be. But the low GPU utilisation depends more on the type of read-out

Until the game is minimized and the task manager is open, the utilisation is already gone.

Better check with the Msi afterburner ingame. That’s likely to give you more information.


3 months ago
Reply to  Usj89

Right! That’s what’s going on.

3 months ago

is clear…

the CPU has to score in the background for the game and the GPU has nix to do as the task is responsible and thus the game is running in the HIntergrund moment

Why are you looking at that shit?

Is your game lame in GPU / CPU? otherwise one does not control this, and not at all

3 months ago

This is because you minimized the game to open the task manager. As soon as you minimize the game, the graphics card does not have to render new images, but your Cpu must continue to calculate the game as it continues. Then comes to a high Cpu utilisation but not Gpu. You already need a program that both reads during the game like msi afterburner with Rivatuner or the like. The fact that your 2600x should be so weak that it only weighs your 3060Ti 1% as KTM wrote is of course square.