Cpu Kühler Lüfter wechseln?
Hallo ich überlege für meinen Gaming Pc diese Up here RGB Lüfter zu kaufen .https://www.amazon.de/upHere-L%C3%BCfter-Geh%C3%A4usel%C3%BCfter-Controller-PF1206-5/dp/B07VV338MH/ref=mp_s_a_1_16?keywords=rgb+l%C3%BCfter+120mm&qid=1706704925&sr=8-16
Meine frage wäre jetzt, kann ich einen dieser Lüfter auf meinen Cpu Kühler montieren weil mir das aussehen meines bisherigen Lüfters auf meinem Cpu Kühler nicht gefällt.Ich stelle diese frage weil ich nicht weiß ob diese Lüfter auf meinen Cpu Kühler passen und ob diese Lüfter dann ausreichen um meine Cpu zu Kühlen.
Mein Cpu Kühler: https://www.mindfactory.de/product_info.php/be-quiet–Pure-Rock-Slim-2-Tower-Kuehler_1402949.html
Meine Cpu ist ein Amd Ryzen 5 5600G
Danke für alle Antworten 😉
BeQuiet is one of the best fan manufacturers to replace the BeQuiet fan with a 0815 China fan is not the best idea in terms of volume and temperatures.
On the website you link, as on the manufacturer’s website, it’s a 92mm fan, with the 120mm fans, that’s nothing.
92mm fans with RGB are unfortunately hardly available, and if, then it is usually also qualitatively inferior.
Suitable and inexpensive coolers with RGB:
DeepCool AG400 LED
Arctic Freezer 35 AMD / Intel
In your case, you can naturally build it (if size fits).
I wouldn’t trade the CPU cooler fan. The Be Quiet! Fan is quite sure much quieter and more qualitative than the new ones!
There are alternative RGB fans that can be installed on the Cpu cooler.VG
yes: buy new CPU coolers with BlingBling
and from the housing ventilators, I would leave the fingers, which will be safe as nix and will not last long
There are RGB controllers like the, which are connected to the internal USB header and are not dependent on the RGB header of the motherboard.
Can I try?
Hi I can only take fans with one stroke and one remote because my argb Mb connection no longer works properly
If you compare: arctic 3 pieces 40€ and Noname 5 pieces 30€… Says everything
ARCTIC P12 PWM PST A-RGB – 120 mm PWM Housing fan optimized for static pressure, case fan, semi-fit: 0-2000 rpm, 5V 3 Pin ARGB-LED – Black: Amazon.de: Computer & Accessories
I agree. I don’t know the brand. The fans could accordingly be cheap and very loud and unqualitative.