Covid19 MRNA Biontech Impfung?
Hallo ich habe eine frage bezüglich des MRNA Impfstoffes wurde damals 2x mal mit Biontech Comirnaty geeimpft! Was kann ich machen dass ich keine oder wenige nebenwirkungen nach Jahren bekomme?
Stimmt dass alles mit den Great Reset dass man sich in ein paar Jahren nicht mehr viel an die vergangenheit erinnern kann wegen des MRNA Vaccines?
Habe es von einem Molikular Biologen gehört.
Liebe Grüße
Your fears are completely unfounded.
The “Great Reset” is a fairy tale with which one tries to panic with soul-believing fellow human beings. This is a hobby of some people.
And vaccination reactions can be noticed either immediately, or within the first weeks. Today – 1 year later – you don’t have to expect any new reactions.
First of all, it’s “Molecular biologist – with “e“and not with “i”… and was that really a “molecular biologist”? Or was it just someone whose tailbroker had telephoned to someone who drove past the house of a molecular biologist? Or did this “molecular biologist” just want to make itself important and is actually no one?
TikTok greets…
We have autumn 2023. Two years ago in July, I had the first time inoculated with Biontech. Then 1 month later with Biontech. In the spring of 2022, I was woostered with Moderna. All three were mRNA. All three, I’ve got 1A.
I haven’t heard anything about a Great Reset yet!
So please don’t let yourself be insecure! If you can’t remember the past at some point at an advanced age, then you should rather turn to Dr. Alzheimer’s…
With me it was similar long ago, but last year the infection had been there, the ones at the vaccination center were the third times I don’t need to be 33. Thanks 🙂
Of course you don’t need the booster anymore, because you’re recovering! But what does this have to do with this ominous Great Rest?
There are no side effects that occur months or even years after vaccination.
Thank you
Inform yourself on reputable pages or with your family doctor and stay away from Telegram, Youtube and other Gurus.
All right! Because a hacker once said that MRNA Biontech would be more expensive
What does DAS have to do with your question about the “Grest Reset”?
Total nonsense.
A molecular biologist
At the beginning of the Pandemie 2020, there was the announcement that new vaccines – like all medicines – were thoroughly tested and only after approx. 5 years.
This rule was, as is known, put out of force for mass hystery.
Does he have a glass ball at home, can look into the future? This seems to be the new scientific method. So-called “experts” already knew in the first year that side effects occur immediately or not at all.
Why didn’t your expert justify his statement? Smelling rumors and lay people are supposed to deal with it. Under all conditions, this behavior.
There was no such provision. For authorisation, medicines and vaccines must undergo certain phases, all this was the case with the vaccine.
That’s it. Something that is degraded after a few days cannot cause side effects after months or years. Side effects of vaccinations occur at the latest within the first approx. 6 weeks after vaccination.
Don’t forget to put your aluminum hat on.
He’s been wearing it a long time.