Covid Impfung alt werden?
denkt ihr es werden Menschen geben die trotz der covid Impfung alt werden ?
denkt ihr es werden Menschen geben die trotz der covid Impfung alt werden ?
also wenn zb in 10-20 Jahren eine große Seuche ausbricht und jeder geimpft werden muss, könnts ja sein dass es nichtmehr RNA-Impfung heißt, sondern “DNA”
Mein neon hat seit ein paar Wochen so’n komisches Weißes Teil am Unterkiefer das wächst, was ist das? Es geht mit dem Kiefer hoch und runter und ist anscheinend fest verwachsen. Und was kann man dagegen tun?
Hallo, schon seit mehr als 2 Wochen bin ich krank. Anfangs hatte ich einen starken Husten, wo ich auch schon Brustschmerzen bekam. Der Arzt hat mich erstmal die ganze Woche krank geschrieben und mir Antibiotikum gegeben. Mein Husten wurde besser und letzten Montag bin ich wieder zur Arbeit gegangen. Dienstags musste ich schon wieder so…
sometimes yes, because there seems to have been terrible harmful and practically harmless batches. how the scattering looks in detail is unfortunately not published (or I have not found it). there were various manufacturers and the people were tempted to take different products. an estimate is made more difficult. but there are estimates that a series of 3 inoculations would cost up to 25 years (statistic). I mean, who else would be 90 would be just 75. if this is “sufficient” for you, then I’m sure that despite this gene therapy, many can make it to the high age.
for a high age, however, very many are crucial. I think it’s not that easy to break down the only one on the c19 vaccinations. we must wait for statistics that can only be available in 20-70 years.
Who appreciated that?
That would be 15 years, not 25. How do you know how old you become to then determine that something 25 (or 15?) cost years?
A lot of people were old when they were vaccinated and still live. The deceased are mostly the unvaccinated.
Yeah, sure.Listen to so many conspiracy theories.
Yeah, why not? You shouldn’t read so much conspiracy theories.
they all live still clean, only the Covid had and were not vaccinated, they have Long Covid.
Sure, why shouldn’t you get old from that little bit?
Even though, unfortunately, as with any other vaccination, there are also people who have not tolerated them (vaccination damage) the complications come out quickly and not only after zig years.
The syringe has helped many people more than damaged!
There will be no people who will become old in a corona vaccination but
to get old from a corona vaccination!
At least my partner, my dear Uwe, and me!
We were vaccinated 7 times against Corona, the vaccination was excellent every time, without the slightest side effect, didn’t even feel the puncture site!
And still had no corona!
Otherwise we are healthy. For 20 years no cold, cough or any disease, not even a harmless cold, for 28 years no more flu!
If I’m after my 100. Birthday then get a harmless taste, be right to me! I can hurt that!
Of course, I don’t see a problem.
Why wouldn’t they?
When there are hundreds of thousands to millions, alone in Germany, who become old because of the Covid vaccination that would otherwise have become Bergamoised, or since you do not understand Wordwotz, plain text, miserable to Covid, would have been suffocated to pulmonary edema, and deceased to embolies.
If not mankind dies.
Why not, am 6x vaccinated and live with 65 still !
With great probability, my guess is. ” Suddenly and unexpectedly,” unfortunately goes on as it looks.
With great probability is your guess…? 🤣
Nobody knows what the future looks like. It’s not possible. So my guess.
Then “My guess, with great probability…” and not vice versa.
And to respond to your presumption, “simplified and unexpected” deaths have not increased after the Corona vaccination. That is why it cannot continue.
WHAT WHAT DO YOU WANT TO assuming the opposite?
Why can’t you get old?
What do you mean?
Of course
always depends on the degree of Kh
I think no. They will all live in a viable way. A mass vaccination for the social system
I even think that people for the Covid vaccination.
The little ancillary is, I haven’t had a heavy flu since 2020 and don’t have to leave me twice inoculation!