Corona impfschaden y?

Hallo undzwar sterben Aktuell

viele junge Menschen unerwartet meistens

im bett gibt jetzt paar fälle hier in Deutschland

und wollte fragen ob das von

dem impfen kommt was ist eure Meinung dazu?

es gab auch ein Medizinischer Arzt

auf tiktok der meinte in den nächsten 5 jahren werden 60 % der geimpften sterben

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2 months ago

many young people unexpected

there have always been tragic individual cases. With a source that only knows that it is “many” and not a very specific number, you shouldn’t let it tell you that it was more like before the pandemic or less.

The same applies if your source does not know what age you would be counted as a “young” person.

what is your opinion?

This seems very little plausible. To do this, one would have to explain how to get to the argument “vaccination”. Because something else could have happened and therefore you need an argument that explains it.

Also a source that doesn’t explain how to get to “vaccinations” and that doesn’t know what else could be, you should read very skeptical.

2 months ago

Yes… Since the introduction of the vaccination, there are always some sworn that “until the time XYZ” all or most vaccinated would have died…. Has never happened in any way and could be due to the fact that it’s just gone nonsense of absolutely unconvinced.

Also, you should first of all be able to find that after vaccination MORE people suddenly die like that. For even before the vaccination, people have died “unexpected”, at the time there were only no blurs who have slaughtered every death of it and without any evidence put on vaccinations

What is claimed on tiktok and is usually unsinnt.

2 months ago


Dr. Coldwell was also sure that in November 3 or 4 years ago all vaccinated people were dead.

2 months ago
Reply to  Googliesama

We are sure all zombies, we just don’t know yet;-)

2 months ago

on tiktok the meant in the next 5 years will die 60 % of the vaccinated

Well, if it’s on TikTok, it must be right.

Au Backe…

2 months ago

The Corona vaccinations have saved tens of thousands of people from death.
80% of the Corona patients who died in the intensive care centres were unvaccinated.

On the other hand, the figures for recognised vaccination damage are very low, in the Federal Republic of Germany this is a low three-digit number, which is therefore completely insignificant to the tanning agents.

2 months ago

andzwar are currently dying many young people unexpectedly usually in bed

Is that so?

Do you have any indication that is more serious than “who claims a guy on Tiktok…”?

there was also a medical doctor on tiktok who said in the next 5 years will die 60 % of the vaccinated

Funny. At the beginning of the vaccinations, the life expectancy with vaccination was about 6 months.

What was obviously a duck, but instead of remembering that you have spread unqualified bullshit, the same story only remains with other time windows.

2 months ago

When you look at Tik Tok as a reputable source, you have to believe a lot what is total nonsense.

The conspiracy mystics always provide new forecasts. Originally, almost all vaccinations should die in September 2022, then at the latest at Christmas 2023 and now 60% die within the next 5 years.

This would be around 36 million in Germany alone. The traffic jam on the motorways is then history and the housing problem would be solved. Sarcasm out!

Whenever reality teaches them a better one, the conspiracy mystics adapt them to their worldview.

It is clear that millions of Corona died worldwide, but only very few due to vaccination. There is no 100% security, but vaccination has prevented millions of deaths and has ensured that the events have been severely weakened and the pandemic has been fought.

This can be demonstrated by the statistics. Whenever the incidences rose, the deaths also increased and with the extensive vaccination they slowed down. However, as the elderly were first vaccinated, there were also many deaths among the vaccinations of course – finally it is normal when 80 – 90 years die, because the vaccination protects against corona, but is not a life elixir.

I know some doctors and nurses who at the time saw the unvaccinated people die in our university clinic and know what I’m talking about.

In 5 years we can sing the old song from the Octoberclub: “But there we are still…!”

However, one thing is certain: all who were vaccinated with the first large vaccination action in 1895 have already died;-)

2 months ago

TikTok is not a good source of political or medical information.

The 60% of the vaccinated will die is bullshit, which are naturally dragged by the lizards into the hollow earth where they have to produce adrenochrome, which really knows everyone.

1 month ago

There are CoVid19 late episodes below, many of these cases can be traced back to the disease.

1 month ago

one, yes.

how many individual cases must there be?

wake up people!

2 months ago

If TikTok is your source then good night.

I got an info for you.

Since JEHER, a number of people die on a daily basis just as unexpectedly.

That’s how it’s easy to live.

2 months ago
Reply to  ichweisnetwas

the 80 become more and more – is that the equal?

2 months ago

Whatever a medical doctor says. It’s not true.

2 months ago
  1. Point and comma are not a recommendation, but important for the understanding of the text. What you do here, I call word salad, no more.
  2. To:

many young people unexpectedly usually

in bed gives now couple cases here in Germany

I’d like to have a real source and a real number.

on tiktok the meant in the next 5 years will die 60 % of the vaccinated

Okay, thanks for the info, then I can resolve my retirement. : Prof. Dr. Wendler had predicted 2-3 years ago that 90% of all vaccinated people were dead by now.

2 months ago
Reply to  Keksdieb86

However, there are reputable sources that claim to die at the latest 100 years after vaccination…

For example, no one has survived from the first pox vaccination in Germany, there is no one left… 😉

2 months ago

For example, no one has survived from the first pox vaccination in Germany, there is no one left… 😉

And the state radio floats this scandal of course once again dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!ElfElfElf!!!!11!

2 months ago

Right! That’s proof!

2 months ago

this is really bad, so you can feel happy that there are so serious sources like TikTok… *nick*

2 months ago

the people of TikTok and especially their customers are already smart guys… 😉

2 months ago

tiktok is the platform for mentally brain-freed. you can knock the rest into the tons.

2 months ago

Sorry, if you get your information from TikTok and still believe it, you should have an urgent examination…

2 months ago

because of the hollow space next to the ears `?

2 months ago

An MRI with contrast agent could give information. This makes cavities visible 😉

2 months ago

I suggest you sign up once again when you have encountered a serious source of information on people not only assert something but also prove it.

2 months ago

Tiktok must know. That’s all you need to say.

2 months ago
Reply to  Nussbecher

This tiktok seems to be a special medical body – or a modern Chinese narcery.