Corolla E12 Bremslicht funktioniert nicht?
bei meinem Toyota Corolla E12 (Bj 2002) funktioniert das Bremslicht nicht (alle drei Lampen).
Alle Glühbirnen wurden überprüft, alle Sicherungen sind auch in Ordnung, Bremslichtschalter habe ich gegen neuen augetauscht aber trotzdem funktioniert das Bremslicht nicht…
Woran könnte es noch liegen?
Then a measuring device or a test lamp has to run. Systematically successively measure at all points whether “electricity” arrives.
I’d start at the brake light switch, you’ve already found it. One of the contacts of the plug must cause voltage to ground. Is there nix, continue to the fuse plate.
Measure systemically, from where exactly no current flows
How do I do that?
With a voltage meter or a mulite meter. At the start of the brake light switch and at the cable from plug to plug measure the voltage that is applied when someone presses on the brake pedal. At some point, the tension is gone and you have your fault. Evtl cable defective, loose plug or the like
Yes, of course
A test lamp is completely sufficient for this purpose.
where the current remains on the track