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1 year ago

You give a one-year-old something the parents like. The kid doesn’t care. That’s something special.

If, for example, the Papa or the Mama Metal Fan, then a Metal Baby T-Shirt will be damn good.

There’s a parent photographer, then there’s a baby camera or the like.

1 year ago

Ask the parents who know what they need (for the child) and what they already have x-time.

Most used gifts with us:

Small fleece cuddly blanket (is now 5 years old and we still use it)

Self sewn bag for diapers and wet cloths

pharmacy certificate always

You could also go to a drugstore(DM/Rossmann etc.) and let you put something together from them. They usually have creative gifts based on diapers.

1 year ago

You should ask the parents, not an online forum.

Reason for this: Parents know exactly what they lack. Surely someone can tell you here now ‘Cuscle is always good’… but you don’t need a cuddly animal if you have 20 others.

You don’t need a cool pacifier if the child does not take a pacifier per se, etc.

I gave my little cousin (which is about 1 1/2) a book with ‘MInut stories’ for Christmas… these are very short stories, many different also, in a book with many colorful pictures.

My aunt really liked it because it was quite different stories. It cost 10 €.

But as I said, it was a shot in the blue. Better ask the parents, maybe you can buy something that you really need or you just give money to make the parents buy something that is a little more expensive.

1 year ago

Ask the parents what they need for the child