Controller mit großen Volume Knob wie Universal Audio Interface?
Ich hole mir demnächst ein neues Audio Interface aber ich schwanke zwischen dem UAD Apollo Solo und anderen guten.
Ich hätte gerne aber diesen cleanen Look mit diesem großen Volume Knob wie bei diesen UAD Interfaces was viele andere nicht haben…
Gibt es etwas wie einen Controller welchen ich an mein Audio Interface packen kann, welcher ein cleveres Design hat als das Interface und wenn ja, welche sind gut?
Danke im Voraus!
at that time UA was only usable for Mac. Currently also for Win. They are, of course, exorbitantly expensive.
They are located at 489 in the larger music houses
There are these Monicon from Palmer. That would be external as a monitor controller.
Then maybe the Generation 4 of Focusrite Scarlett
The Commission shall, in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy, submit to the Council a proposal for a Directive on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the European Parliament and of the Council.
You would have two more devices
Only in such a volume Knock to control my in and outputs even if it goes through the interface, it also wants aesthetics.
Scarlet is out, in the price category I don’t see any sense, either UAD or Audient.