Consors finanz?
Hallo ! Hat jemand Schonmal Erfahrung mit denen gemacht also der Bank ! Wie lange dauert die Bearbeitungs Zeit nach der WEBID Verifizierung dort steht nichts mehr und Zeit Donnerstag kommt auch nichts mehr ! Es handelt sich um eine Finanzierung! Kann mir jemand da helfen ?
That’s funny, I financed a phone. Web ID went fast and believes 4 days later I had the phone already.
Yes, however, you get from the bank something to Web ID or nothing more because I find it funny when you want to call nobody gets to answer! The company is waiting for the bank’s answer!
Is that supposed to go? So I didn’t get any information from Consor’s finance. Only by the provider I had ordered that it was paid and will be shipped soon.
I’m pushing the thumbs
Okay, well, there’s something else because it’s running over my sister and I can’t call Selber.
I’ll look again
That’s stupid. But more than to wait or ask again can’t stop. I can only tell you what happened to me and that went automatically after signing the contract via Web Ident. I’m sorry.
Yes by e-mail I have even reported on the same day! But they also do not report that is really funny all I have ordered to a pc for 1900€ ca and the confirmation of WEBID did not come from the Bank Consor’s financial! I know that on the same day there were even outages at GMX and others! There was a disturbance for a few minutes but it just doesn’t come!
Yes and after that, normally only the condition that it was successful and will then be forwarded to the company you ordered. I don’t know where and what you ordered. I did it automatically. Much can send to consors ne Mail? Surely what you signed will have been saved.
about WEBID stop
Did you sign a contract electronically? So about consors?
I can’t reach anyone but everything went through just as it says WebID should come an email in a short distance from the bank just there’s nothing coming?
Okay weird and you can’t reach anyone? Not that something went wrong. I made the Web ID via consors and then signed the contract electronically. Then it was passed on
This is very strange in my email from web ID
WebID – Successful conclusionThe partner BNP Paribas S.A. Branch Germany will be notified by us and will contact you shortly with further information.
and the seller says it has been received only it is not yet from the bank