Computer zusammenbauen, selbstständig machen?

Hallo liebe Community,

ich bin kürzlich 18 Jahre alt geworden und habe eine große Leidenschaft für Technik und Gaming. Aus diesem Grund möchte ich mich langfristig selbstständig machen und für andere Menschen Gaming-PCs sowie allgemeine Computer konfigurieren und zusammenbauen. Dabei strebe ich nicht nur danach, Gewinn zu erzielen, sondern auch anderen mit meinem technischen Wissen und meiner Begeisterung für Computer eine Freude zu machen.

Allerdings bin ich noch relativ unerfahren, was die rechtlichen und gesetzlichen Anforderungen für ein solches Vorhaben betrifft. Ich möchte sicherstellen, dass ich von Anfang an alles richtig mache und alle notwendigen Schritte einhalte. Daher habe ich ein paar Fragen:

Muss ich ein Gewerbe anmelden, um Computer zusammenzubauen und zu verkaufen? Falls ja, wie gehe ich hierbei vor und welche Kosten kommen auf mich zu?

Welche gesetzlichen Regelungen und Vorschriften muss ich beachten, wenn ich Computer für andere konfiguriere und verkaufe? Gibt es spezifische Standards oder Zertifikate, die ich einhalten muss?

Benötige ich spezielle Genehmigungen oder Qualifikationen, um diesen Service anzubieten? Falls ja, welche Schulungen oder Ausbildungen wären empfehlenswert?

Welche Versicherungen sind in diesem Bereich notwendig oder sinnvoll, um sowohl mich selbst als auch meine Kunden abzusichern?

Gibt es weitere wichtige Aspekte, die ich berücksichtigen sollte, wenn ich mich in diesem Bereich selbstständig machen möchte? Tipps und Erfahrungsberichte sind herzlich willkommen.

Ich freue mich über jede hilfreiche Antwort und bedanke mich im Voraus bei euch allen für eure Unterstützung und Ratschläge!

Beste Grüße,


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9 months ago

I don’t want to write now, forget it, but you’re clearly asking questions that are already a failure. At least it’s unlikely you can live with it. Because you need to build a reliable customer base, the margins in the area are very low.

But now on your questions.

1) Do you have to register a trade? Yep. To do this, you must apply for a tax number to the tax office and report to your business office and register the business there.

2) You must observe the laws and regulations. In principle, all relevant laws and regulations must be complied with. These would be the rules in the field of EMC (electromagnetic compatibility), product safety, health protection and environmental protection. However, you don’t have to worry about it as long as you don’t start importing yourself from outside the EU, even being a manufacturer (for example your own housing) or modifying the products yourself.

3) Need special trainings or certificates. No, as long as you only trade and don’t make changes to the components yourself. Also, you must not carry out installations in the area of the house or industrial electricity (Etwa network or mount sockets).

4) An operational liability is appropriate and is also required, depending on the extent of the activity. Consider also you have to give warranty and also, if necessary, fulfill (for this you may need to Reject capital, no insurance is guaranteed against costs.

5) Additional tips: Note that you need to keep a clean accounting. I didn’t want a tax consultant to do this for me, but you have to pay for it. I’m a member of the IHK or any other ID is usually mandatory and depending on the amount you have to pay for 100% self pension insurance and health insurance.

9 months ago

I’d just recommend you sit down with your lawyer. You can ask him any legal questions.

9 months ago
Reply to  TheCuby

And pay 250 euros an hour. Aside from the fact that Anwaelte regularly lacks knowledge with start-ups and computers.

9 months ago

In any case, you should have a professional advice. It was already called. To think, there are, among other things, that you can book (complete maintenance of expenses, revenue, tax return, profit/loss accounting, cost calculation, so you can also calculate what you need to take to make profit…) Appropriate liability insurance, if necessary legal protection insurance, should someone not be satisfied… Evt there are courses somewhere where you can take part if you want to do yourself, what you need and what you need… Because that’s probably not all yet, that’s just written out of the belly, where you have to worry…

9 months ago

Then I would recommend you to work in this industry and once you have gained enough experience about business and finance, you can start a business.

9 months ago

In addition to a start-up seminar, you should ask people who have already done this business. All the ticks of the practice are also shown only with time .

You need to register business, of course. Within four weeks you must also register with the tax office. I would then offer it to a small extent next door. Training as an electronic or similar would also be helpful.

9 months ago

Take a business consultant if you don’t know anything about it, and don’t make it to get you information on your own without help.

And for someone who wants to build PCs together and make money, you have a lot of questions about PCs and their problems here.

9 months ago
Reply to  LuciusArtorius


9 months ago
Reply to  xStevenSSL

You can also talk beautifully…

9 months ago

Do I have to register a business to assemble and sell computers?

Of course, what a question.

You will log it out from the moment you sell goods with a profit plan.

You are best advised by the IHK in your area. There you will get all the information you need.