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1 year ago


a community college in the U.S. is a good idea – and a reasonably priced way to learn and live in the U.S.

As explained above: The degree does not directly qualify for studies at a classical university, at least not in Germany and also not inmediable in the USA. That’s why it depends on what you want to study.

Find details about Community College here

Best regards

1 year ago

Is that a stupid idea?

The idea of wanting a college or university in the USA has many, through the many US films and thus much presence, that has a certain charm for many.

In many cases, however, it ends at the moment when they see the fees for it. Even with smaller collages, they are fast at over $20,000 a year, many more around $30,000, the more famous and better in comparison ranking, the more expensive. At 3-4 years, you can easily expect $100,000. Plus, of course, the cost of living such as catering, accommodation, transportation, Matterial for college etc.

To do this, you have to find out whether you would be accepted there with your qualification. Or if you don’t have to catch up with the Abi.

The last point would then be to consider whether to move so far away would really be something for you, because you will hardly see family and friends in time and have to get too right on your own. Yes, keeping in touch is easier today with social media, but it is also necessary to consciously take time and the time shift should not be underestimated. To do this, you will get to know a lot of new things from the place where old people are quickly forgotten. In a friend’s exchange of pupils (was only 1 year) the grandma is seriously ill, she was faced with the question of breaking her great dream or possibly never seeing the grandma alive again. It doesn’t have to happen, but it can. And also beautiful things like weddings, births, big family celebrations etc. you miss in the years because you can’t travel back all the time and that’s also a financial topic. In addition, in case of too many trips, they may not allow you to enter… As I have said, you will be standing alone for this first time, have to regulate and organize a lot of yourself and take a lot of responsibility. You should just think about it before you get surprised with such topics. Your parents can’t get around quickly and help and don’t know how to do things on site.

1 year ago

The problem is that an associate degree,as it is awarded to the community colleges, is not recognised in Germany.

Then you would have to do your Bachelor in the USA, which is quite expensive.