Commerzbank Einzahlung technische Störung, Geld weg?
Habe heute einen mittleren dreistelligen Betrag auf mein Commerzbank Konto eingezahlt. Ich bin dringend, spätestens Montag auf das Geld angewiesen, da mich sonst horrende Kosten erwarten.
Leider hat der Automat das Geld einfach geschluckt und auf der Quittung steht lediglich das es aufgrund einer technischen Störung nicht gutgeschrieben werden konnte.
Welche Rechte habe ich in diesem Fall?
Ich habe es der Bank direkt gemeldet allerdings sagte man mir, dass es länger dauern könnte (1 Woche +) und man bat mir sonst keine Lösung an.
Muss das Geld rechtlich nicht sofort zur Verfügung stehen?
Actually, too few information to evaluate this in detail.
Generally speaking, it is so: confirmed with delivery of the receipt You the bank that she has accepted your money, with date, amount and time. On this date, you will get the money, at least if it was not a false money, also credited in terms of value.
That it cannot be booked could have various causes that the bank can only evaluate. Why so long: many ATMs are now serviced and filled by third-party companies, then the bank can’t do anything because it just doesn’t get to the vending machines anymore, it must be so… it must wait until the third-party service provider restarts the vending machine.
For you, this means, unfortunately, that the money is securely booked correctly, but with a high probability on Monday will not be there. You have to talk to the bank that they may allow for a corresponding overdraft if there was anything to be paid.
Unfortunately, there is no amount 🙁
This can also be the case, then the machine has gone out when counting, that happens. You’ve already complained and probably called the amount. That’s all you can do right now. Gruss
technical decommissioning of the account or the ATM?
Sometimes the technology doesn’t care 😀
If you have a receipt, you can prove that you are paying money.
Perhaps the amount can be detected by means of witnesses or otherwise.
If you suffer from the late credit of the deposit, try to take the money situation in Regress.
Emergency via consumer center or lawyer.
This is written as a receipt.
Excluding the amount?