Cloudflare Tunnel – Sichere Möglichkeit?
Mal angenommen man hat einen Heimserver auf dem eine Website läuft. Diese Website soll jetzt nicht nur im lokalen Netzwerk erreichbar sein, sondern von überall.
Ist dort ein Cloudflare Tunnel eine sichere Wahl, sodass das Heimnetz trotzdem noch geschützt ist? Oder muss man noch irgendwelche weiteren Vorkehrungen treffen.
Basically, this fits and is also the sense behind the tunnel.
The tunnel is there for no firewall exceptions to be made and access can only be made via cloudflare.
How to configure everything and regulate it with firewall is of course another thing, but CloudFlare Tunnel definitely reduces the risk of doing something completely wrong, because you don’t have to open the network via a firewall.
You then need a firewall that is corrupted and has no security gaps because the tunnel protects you from attacking DDOS only.
That’s wrong, you don’t mean cloud-flare tunnel
So you don’t need an extra firewall?
My plan was to install an Opnsense firewall on my Proxmox server (in addition to the firewall in my Unifi Gateway) as a VM where the entire traffic of the server is going through. In addition, the server runs in an isolated VLAN
Not more than you should have anyway.
With Cloudflare Tunnel, you do not need to allow incoming connections from external networks.
So does not mean that you don’t need a firewall, but that you don’t have to open it. Therefore, the answer above is also incorrect, Tunnel makes more than Ddos Protection.
Generally, it makes sense to limit traffic or individual devices, for example, if someone can take over the application behind cloudflare, it is of course good if the at least partially isolated is.