Clone Helm in Fusion 360 erstellen?


ich möchte bald Clone Helme mit meinem Sovol SV08 drucken, jedoch brauche ich noch eine Datei. Ich weiß, dass man sich die von Thingiverse oder sonst wo runterladen kann, aber ich wollte mir selbst welche erstellen (am besten in Fusion oder Blender). Kann mir da jemand helfen da ich auch durch die Videos im Internet nicht weiter komme.

Danke für die Hilfe

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4 months ago

If you have drawn your helmet in Fusion, you must save it in STL format. This STL file is then loaded into the slicer and it creates a G code. OBJ format also goes.

Some slicers also process other formats.

Cura understands, for example, STL, OBJ, X3D, 3MF, GIF, JPG, and PNG.

However, the pure image formats are not 3D formats and can only be used to a limited extent.

STL or OBJ always work.

4 months ago
Reply to  Nikilodeon13

I’m sorry, but I’m not so good on drawing. I’m using Thinkercad. But there are such helmets already finished with Thingiverse.

2 months ago

If the videos do not help in the network, maybe the user manual of the respective software is more helpful? For Blender there is much more documentation than just videos. However, there is no step for Step Tutorial with the heading “creating a helmet”. In principle, a helmet is “painted”, in a 3D view. If this object is created or any other object, the object is exported to a file, in a format which can be converted into a control file specific to a 3D printer, a so-called slicer. Its output in turn is sent to the printer.

To create your helmets yourself, you will want to familiarize yourself with the respective design program, similar to you want to familiarize yourself with using a pen to paint helmets on paper. It is clear that these design programs are not helmet-specific, just as little as a pen is helmet-specific. And as little as you become a good sign of watching a YouTube video, instead you will have to practice, learn and gradually get to know the possibilities.

Handbooks are an advantage over videos.