Was verstärkt Clonazepam? Bitte nennen Sie mir keine berauschenden Substanzen wie Alkohol oder Cannabis, sondern nur legale, beruhigende Mittel, die stärker wirken. Ich habe alles auf Rezept (Clonazepam). Ich bin nicht strafbar!
Bin weit über 18……
Um alles zu erzählen, bräuchte es viele Bücher, also nennen Sie mir einige.
The only sensible thing would be to talk to your doctor about a dose increase if the effect should no longer be sufficient before you try any combination on your own.
NOrmally, you get this against seizures. If, despite the drug, those still occur, it is advisable to go back to the doctor and talk to him.
Pharmacological advice should be sought with the doctor or pharmacist and not in a forum where 12-year-olds with cleverly selected nickname and correspondingly high credibility can give advice that may end to one or the other.