CLK 240 Verkaufen oder aufbewahren?

Hey Hey,

ich habe einen CLK 240 (Bj 2004) in einem Top Zustand.
170 PS, V6 Motor

(Leider 234 000 km)

Kein Rost oder sonstiges. Fährt wie ne eins.

Ich werde in Kürze ein anderes Auto bekommen.

Jz meine Frage.

Wir wissen ja alle wie das mit den Verbrennern in Zukunft (Erneut Leider) ausgehen wird..

Ich kann das Auto für einen guten Preis durch Anhängerkupplung und eingebauten display, neuen Tüv etc. Verkaufen.

ich habe aber auch eine Garage bei meinem Vater wo er verweilen könnte da ich mir dachte ggf hat er in Zukunft ja einen Höheren Wert zb nach 2035? Ich denke Dort könnten Verbrenner nochmal ordentlich aufschlag bekommen.

Warten würde sich für Mich lohnen (ich bin erst 20)

Ich wüsste gerne eure Meinung.

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1 year ago

I worked well a year ago with exactly the topic (old C-Class; high running performance, but very well maintained) and decided to pass the car on to an E-Class, especially since I was made a very good price – these cars will never be real classics because there are too many and at 234,000 kilometers (mean had still a little more on the clock, but were there very good; without rust, get inside I drove him long and always cared for) are simply too much for this vehicle to go through the ceiling price-wise – these are cars that don’t sink in value anymore, but don’t really climb.

Only the grandpa cars that have 80,000 kilometers on the clock after 20 years are really valuable – and even they are not ” expensive” classics, but what for fans who pay a rather symbolic price for it that goes to feeling. A really good CLK of the 208s and 209s series as a six-cylinder with a few extras is not worth 10,000 euros – for the market this is an all-round, irritating and thirsty Altherren-Coupé, so what do fans only appreciate, but they also don’t pay fantasies and know what a vehicle is worth. I see yours at perhaps 5,000 to 6,000 euros, rather less, rather in the field of “five”. And even for this, he does not go away immediately – this is a very special car for very special drivers who are looking for something like that.

In the end, it’s an emotional story that you have to deal with yourself. If the place is there, you can definitely cancel the CLK, but in the quiet “extended” the technique —-> it must still be moved, best with season approval, it also needs service, and deposits of oldtimers or cars are one thing that is not quite easy – here is from ADAC times what to do.

1 year ago
Reply to  Louise602

So in the turn they are traded, yes – there you get them off, but you usually have to wait. But then, as a rule, someone who thinks it honestly and remains fair.

It is important that nothing is overthrown and nothing is broken over the knee. The vehicle is not worth a lot more at the end, even if it is good in shot, because 234,000 kilometers more than the lovers want —-> the want the CLK from the garage of Opa Heinz with 80,000 on the clock, check booklet with Mercedes, new car billing and brochure included, cassette radio, three keys and without scratches as well as without rust “the flair too popular”, but no one who had any three previous owners

I would probably sell it, I would be able to, but not everyone and not just so for any price according to the motto “that he is continuing”. But you have to do that with yourself as I said – it is important that you have a good feeling with yourself. I had to solve mcih emotionally only from my C180, which I drove for ten years and which brought me through exciting times straight in the family, but I don’t miss him today.

1 year ago

It can still run years, the 240 engine is stable and solid. It would be interesting what the “gifted” is for a car – not that you missed the CLK just to accept this car and to satisfy the “fearing”.

In this way, I have “almost gifted” a 190s Mercedes and I have not liked it, even though it was a nice and well-maintained car, at the very first trip – the car and I did not fit together and I was quite annoyed. After all, I still had the car that I would have left for the 190s and then reported off the 190s, then put it at my aunt and soon let a friendly car dealer sell somewhere. This was indirectly zoff, but that was then also more quickly than expected.

1 year ago

Honestly, as long as there are no nostalgic, emotional and or sentimental reasons to keep the car away, so if the opportunity is there.

This isn’t a car that would be worth packing her in the corner. You get them quite often in between and have run less. There would be a lot of other people I’d put to my side. I’d knock that thing on the sun and be good.

1 year ago

So I did it last year at the W202 and separated me emotionally clean – you have to hide everything sentimental. I knew he didn’t come in a social or bad hands and the money was good – more I wouldn’t have got and it was more than fair, basically the overpaid.

That said to me years ago a good friend, who separated himself from his 280s with over 550.000 kilometers – and he had bought the one at that time and loved him very much.

1 year ago
Reply to  rotesand

The CLK is nothing special. I really don’t know why you should keep it.

1 year ago

I would have done that, too. Have an Audi 80 for a long time than 5. Cylinders that are not rocked down.

I’m already on the Audi 90. It was nothing to get. I would have put it in the corner.

Also interesting would be the ” Prof. Brinkmann” Audi 200 Quattro 20 V with the 2.2 5 cylinder motor. You’re not.

And still there is a W 124 as T on the block. Preferably as E320. It’s not like there’s no one, but what’s called for prices is a real shot.

1 year ago

It would have been the same with the W202. H-character 2027… why? Brings nix and in value, despite good condition and two checkbooks (both punched by Mercedes; I kept as a reminder) no longer rises.

I then bought an Audi 80 1,8S from 1988 as a hobby, reindeer car, checkbook, 100,000, for 800 euros.

1 year ago

I’d keep him. But purely for nostalgic reasons. I don’t think he’s gonna get that worth. It’s worth it. He’s dead. So if you don’t have feelings for it. Move it.

1 year ago

if you don’t mind driving the couple times a year or at least 1x, then keep it in the garage.

9 months ago

The necessary maintenance for the maintenance of value is sufficient for any increase in value. Are you so naive to believe that only you have this idea? Put a little apart with matter, you will notice that none of the volume models had real value growth from the takeover by Daimler-Chrysler.