Clearblue Schwangerschafttest 5 mal positiv aber erst nach einer halben Stunde, was bedeutet das?

Ich hab alles nach Gebrauchsanweisung gemacht 10 Minuten gewartet und alle fünf Schwangerschaftstest mit morgen Urin gemacht und Anfang war’s immer negativ und erst nach so 15 bis 30 Minuten fing es dann an das sich ein leichter Strich bildet also ein zweiten und jetzt weis ich nicht was das bedeutet, weil manche sagen ja es ist ungültig weil des nach 10 Minuten sind und manche sagen das es bei die auch so war und jetzt schwanger sind und jetzt weis ich nicht was ich eher mehr vertrauen soll kann mir jemand da helfen oder mir das erklären? Dankeschön🥰

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4 months ago

yes it is invalid because of the after 10 minutes


When the ink moves over the screen or the test strip, the result becomes visible. Sometimes a little ink intercepts in the drawn line, while it wanders over the screen, which is not intended. When the test is dry and the urine volatilizes, this ink draws to the surface and becomes darker. And then you may see a light second line, a so-called “evaporation line” – especially when you look at the test with argus eyes from all sides. This does not mean that the test is positive.

This is why a pregnancy test should be read within the specified time (usually a maximum of 10 minutes).

According to my observation, this is more common in the ultra-early tests of Clearblue than in other brands.

If the unprotected intercourse has been more than 19 days, the test is reliable.

4 months ago

What does that mean? That you didn’t think about the use information.

If a weak test line appears within the reading period, it may be a pregnancy at a very early stage – e.g. before the period remains.

If such a weak line appears later, it is not a pregnancy, but rather a “evaporation line”. Then this “result” is invalid. That is why the manufacturers also provide a reading time.

If you look at the test with argus eyes from all sides, you can see the basis of the test field. However, this is not a reaction with the enzymes present thereon, then a clear discoloration would be evident.

Happy for you!

4 months ago

That’s almost like IMMER.

The line is created when drying, which is why there is only the first 3 minutes of statements whether the test is positive or negative.

So you’re not pregnant.

4 months ago

Sorry, but the test was 5 times negative.

What the tests show after half an hour is absolutely irrelevant. The line is only created because the stripe is dry.

4 months ago

The tests are negative. – You’re not pregnant.

Check out the instructions for reading.

4 months ago

After reading, the test is invalid. Clearblue is scrap, which actually all get a evaporation line.

4 months ago

Just read the package leaflet.