Clearblue Früheerkennung, Fehler?
Hallo liebe Community,
ich habe einen Schwangerschaftstest gemacht und bin jetzt sehr verwirrt was das Ergebnis angeht.. Es ist der Test Früherkennung ohne Kreuz, habe nur leider die Verpackung weggeworfen.. Ich bin seit 5 Tagen überfällig und hatte nur am Tag wo meine Periode beginnen sollte leichte SB. Ich hab sowas noch nie gesehen bei einem Test, Verdunstunglinien ja, aber das?
War auch innerhalb der angegebenen Zeit so also nicht hinterher
Vielleicht kann mich ja jemand aufklären😫
Would do another one.
But the 2nd line is to be seen and should therefore be considered positive.
Evaporation lines are a myth that unfortunately remains persistent.
I think one more would be meaningful. Find only this ‘white bar’ very confusing 😣
You really think? You also hear a lot of early departure..
It can always happen. Only 20% of all pregnancies come beyond the NMT. Most pregnancies are not even noticed.
Looks like a “error” of the manufacturing machine.
But the 2nd line will only be visible at HCG and this will only occur during pregnancy.
Just wanted to inform you that the test was negative today.
Even worse when you know.
CB seems to have such mistakes, but that was new to me.
Now I’m really excited what the new test then shows, thanks for your quick answer:)
Defect, make new test.
And don’t ask a Clearblue, they’re all nix…
Looks like a positive test. If you don’t trust him, do another one or go to the female doctor.