Clean Urin bei Ärtzlicher Arbeitsuntersuchung?

Hallo, ich werde einen neuen Job anfangen und die Ärztin will einen Drogentest machen und ebenso andere Gesundheitliche Test machen wie zb ob ich bei meinem alten Beruf zu viel Schadstoffe eingeatmet habe oder so ähnliche Sachen Prüfen. Wichtig ist zu sagen ich weiß das ich gesund bin weil ich bei meiner alten Arbeit regelmäßige Untersuchungen hatte. Aber ich will gegen den Drogentest Clean Urin einsetzen weil ich nichtmehr rechtzeitig Clean werde und ich die Arbeit gern beginnen will. Aber kann die Ärztin merken ob es clean Urin ist wegen den anderen Untersuchungen oder ist Clean Urin so gut wie nicht herauszufinden und fast exakt wie echtes Urin.

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5 months ago

You can rely on clean urine or clean foreign urine from a person not contaminated with cannabis degradation products.
In both cases, it is a prerequisite that you do not have to spin off under vision/observation. There is no manufacturer’s effectiveness guarantee for Clean Urin. With clean foreign urine, that’s different.

5 months ago

CleanUrin is a form of transportable synthetic urine that contains all the properties of its natural counterpart, and
not to distinguish from real urine is. It is delivered in an easy-to-open bag that you can heat to your body surface. CleanUrin is available in three different variants, each with red, yellow or green markings corresponding to different creatinine and pH values. available in 1862

5 months ago
Reply to  Perpendikel

So clearly illegal, and only suitable for fraud.

5 months ago
Reply to  DerHans

Clean Urin is a legally available product.

5 months ago
Reply to  DerHans

Of course, synthetic urine is only suitable for fraud. What else do you want to do with this stuff, except cheating on a drug test? But that wasn’t the question.

5 months ago
Reply to  DerHans

That wasn’t the question.

5 months ago

Where no plaintiff….

5 months ago

But the application is illegal. So fraud

5 months ago

This is, by the way, a reason for dismissal 🙂

And if you can’t be “Clean” by then, there’s probably a reason you shouldn’t do the job 🤷 ♂️

5 months ago
Reply to  Muenchner304

This test controls the regular consumption of illegal substances, not just so, but because it is in the way of exercising the profession.

If you take this so regularly, then you are inappropriate for the profession, so simple is that

5 months ago

I can’t tell you that.

Here is really the question of how cannabis really doesn’t have any relevance for this job and how you would be limited by that

I understand that the situation is crisp and I believe that from legalization no more cannabis workers are allowed to control cannabis, as private life does not concern employers.

But I’m not going to tell you here that you’re supposed to be cheating because there are still reasons for the test that I can get zero overviews here and it’s just stupid to guess what is forbidden

As you decide, you have to know yourself, but be aware that cheating can have quite consequences, should it ever come out somehow

5 months ago

I would ask myself whether this is really the case after cannabis is legal

But if:

That’s what it is. If the insurance is so designed, the company has no choice. What do you mean what happens when that happens? You’re building an accident and then you’ll get a positive result.

It remains when it is prescribed, then you cheat on the entry test and this is unfortunately a reason for a timeless termination

5 months ago

I can’t do anything for him to think 🤷 ♂️

Cannabis is legal and the employer does not accept consumption in leisure. There are only a few professions that are allowed to test this at all and even where the procedure is shaking

5 months ago

The question has the tag “THC”, so it will also be about cannabis.

5 months ago

ILLEGAL substances;)

5 months ago

Anyone who crawls more often on weekends can be positive for weeks. I find no one should be excluded from an application process because of this.

5 months ago

This is probably the rare exception

And as I said, whoever shows himself so often illegal is a bit that a few days of abstinence are not enough to get it out of the system, he does not have much reason to complain now:)

5 months ago

There are certainly companies and employers who are simply carrying out drug tests on applicants, even if it is necessary.

5 months ago

To make one of the controls necessary

This isn’t just checked for every job

5 months ago

Do you know what profession it is?

5 months ago

No, each batch has other values.

5 months ago


5 months ago

A serious investigation will test your urine. And if you refuse, you won’t get the job.