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5 years ago

Which airline are you flying? Is it a long-distance or short-haul flight?

At Lufthansa, I know that live sport is shown on the long track in the board entertainment. Sport24 is the transmitter that is available for free. The Barca game is supposed to be transferred.

Like other airlines, I don’t know. But probably on a long-haul flight Wlan (possibly chargeable) will be available to stream the game on your smartphone, tablet or laptop.

5 years ago

In no way will this be broadcast live. And in normal semi-trailers you will have to use wlan at your own expense.

5 years ago

Depends on which plane you’re flying. For example, Singapore Airlines has W-Lan, so you could look with your smartphone. For Business Class free for Economy $5.

5 years ago

the chances are very bad for you to be able to look at the flyer football