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2 years ago


Yes, it brings you from A to B, probably also efficiently.

Otherwise very, very bad what Citroën did with his DS inheritance. Optic is the DS3, as otherwise only new(!) Peugeot models, quite close to body injury…

Uncannyly bad design, in which even basic principles of the golden cut or from me also 4:3 have been violated. How can one hood be wider than longer? Also the side line goes into the same escape as the front panel. It generally seems involuntarily funny and rather curious. And that’s where I’ve just addressed the front!

No comparison to the correct DS and even the XM (yes, other concept) miles away. For me an interpretation, like almost all cars in today’s street.

But as I said, it is safe to accept drivers and a car that fulfills its purpose. But this car doesn’t appeal to me for free. The few emotions that awaken it are more of a bad, head-scattering nature – just because it has DS in its name! Very bad Citroën!

Greetings, Christoph 🙂

2 years ago

I can’t say DS3. But, don’t worry about citrus.

My Xsara Picasso was my faithful companion 13 years and 294000 km. Wear parts and once a larger electrical damage. Exhaust, battery, cooling, everything worked as on the first day. I miss him.

2 years ago

The best suspension I know! Hydropneumatic!