Cities Skylines 2 CPU Auslastung?
Ist das Spiel so schlecht optimiert das mein Ryzen 7 7800x3D im Spiel Cities Skylines 2 zu 100% ausgelastet ist, meine GPU (RTX 4070 Super) aber nur bei 60-70% liegt?
In anderen Spielen ist definitiv die Grafikkarte 100%ig ausgelastet.
Zu schwach kann die CPU ja nicht sein oder? Habe circa 500.000 Einwohner.
There’s something else wrong, that’s not normal.
The CPU should be loosely flaky below 60%.
I test the CPUs or GPUs with CS2 or CP2077.
No matter what conditions, the CPU was never over 60% utilisation.
Look in your task manager what application requires so much CPU Power, I suspect that another application will make you a line through the bill. For example, Windows Defender.
EDIT: Ok just saw that you have over 500K inhabitants, then there are actually problems. This is actually the game itself.
Yes, is actually cities Skylines, which attracts 100%.
So either the CPU is too slow for 500,000 inhabitants or the game is badly programmed. Or both
No, this is the badly optimized game. The 14900K is an exception. The 7800X3D is faster in most games, but it has a worse working performance. Here the 14900K is superior. It’s only 1 million. Population to 100% utilisation.
That’s what’s at stake. Unfortunately, I also fell on CS2. Since I spent over 1k hours in CS1, I was looking forward to CS2. Only CS2 was a total failure. Take off your entire ÖVPN, it has no impact on your traffic and much more… The game should have been knocked into the ton and started completely from the front. There is not only the simulation broken, but everything.😔
Cities Skylines 2 is indeed very CPU-lastic. Even a Ryzen 7800x3D is required. The game is also not designed to achieve a high frame rate, you don’t need it at all.
I haven’t been following it so much lately after Relaese, but at the beginning the game was strongly bent and badly optimized and has eaten very computing power at the CPU, just when the city gets bigger. It can be that it is still so. Was there at the beginning of Cities Skylines 2 nen mega Shitstorm.
If the CPU is 100% loaded, this is more a sign that the game is well optimized, or 8 cores can be fully used and the graphics card is not limited. City Skylines claims, like most strategy games, the CPU, because the graphics card does not have to calculate as much as a graphically elaborate 3D shooter, but many NPCs have to be calculated. The graphics card thus delivers more images than the CPU.
The graphics card is limited in the games in which the graphics card is 100% loaded. If you had a faster graphics card, the CPU would also be used more in the games.
So de facto this CPU is too slow for the game? Mixed with poor optimization of the game?
No, any faster CPU with 8 cores would be loaded to 100% with a correspondingly fast graphics card, just supply more FPS.
100% utilisation means that the game can optimally use the 8 cores of the CPU. If the game were badly optimized, it would not be able to completely load all the cores and correspondingly deliver less FPS. In most other games, your graphics card is the limiting factor and the CPU has to wait for the graphics card and is therefore no longer used.
In any case, 100% CPU usage alone is not a sign that the game is badly optimized. Besides, there’s only little FPS going around. Of course, I don’t know how far in City Skylines 2 the individual residents are individually simulated, but should that be the case would probably come to its limits with 100,000 inhabitants even a 32-core thread rib.
If only 25-40 fps are possible with a 7800X3D, this is not a good optimization. What do people do with a middle class CPU? They should have only 15-30 FPS or a lower resident limit.
Between 25-40. The last measurement was a little longer.
I’ve reduced settings a little. I’ll be happy to update later.
Why? How much FPS does the game do with you?
There are hardly any faster CPUS. Even a Ryzen 9 9800x3d would probably hardly create more Fps.
ergo bad game.
It’s relatively normal in the game. Simply poorly optimized.
You can still check if clock rates and consumption as well as CPU temperature are normal.
It’s normal. Then a newer X3D would not really bring much.
It’s 10%. Would try to optimize the settings and put everything CPU is down.
What settings are these?😅
What’s your question? Your CPU is the bottleneck in this game. This can be an unprecedented programming. Best regards
That was the question.
I wonder because the 7800 x3d is otherwise very strong gaming CPU.
This is a strong gaming CPU, but not a very strong CPU. I’d rather tap a bad programming. Best regards
Thanks for the answer. Probably even a stronger x3d will hardly bring better performance.