Chronische Zahnfleischentzündung: Kennt ihr weitere Behandlungmethoden oder Hausmittel o.ä.?

Hallo, meine Frau leidet seit Monaten an einer Zahnfleischentzündung, die nicht verschwinden will. Sie war schön bei verschiedenen Ärzten/Zahnärzten, aber die Behandlung bringt immer nur eine zeitweilige Besserung: Die Entzündung verschwindet nicht ganz und flammt später wieder auf.

An mangelnder Mund+Zahnhygiene liegt es nicht. Sie puzt sich nach jedem Essen die Zähne.

Kennt jemand vielleicht eine Behandlungsmethode, die vllt noch nicht so bekannt ist?

Oder kennt jemand noch irgenwelche Hausmittel, Tees oder so, die den Heilungsprozess unterstützen oder die Beschwerden lindern können?

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2 years ago

What is the trigger of inflammation? It is a difference whether their dental prosthesis sits badly, it has chronic vitamin C deficiency, a gum root, bacteria in a gum pocket, a tumor, whether it brushes with too hard a toothbrush or not, whether it does chemotherapy, smokes, drinks too much alcohol or shows an allergic reaction to metals in the teeth.

Even though she was already with doctors, further professional investigations are the only way.

2 years ago

She’s picking her teeth after every meal.

Evtl. puts it wrong, causing it to push all bacteria into the gum.

Cleaning teeth directly after eating is also counterproductive. After eating should have passed at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth.

In addition, tooth cleaning is only part of the dental hygiene. This includes the daily use of interdental brushes of various thicknesses, as well as the daily use of tooth silk. In addition, the use of a mouth rinse (melridol) may be useful.

How often does she go for professional dental cleaning?


2 years ago

Gum inflammation (Gingivitis): causes | Oral-B DE (

helps me with tea tree oil, which can be applied with a cotton stick

2 years ago

Household agent not, but chlorhexamed Forte.

And it should also use interdental brushes and tooth silk in addition to normal teeth cleaning.

2 years ago

Chronic gum inflammation indicates very poor gum care. Sink with a camomile extract, and that several times a day. Then regular dental care, 3 times a day.

2 years ago

It can be with a vitamin C deficiency. This is available in 100 g doses; a small spatula are approx. 100 mg. Also vitamin C-containing drinks help; just like oranges, lemons etc. It may improve over some time. In addition, some tooth silk is helpful; even a so-called Air Floss every few days. Water is sprayed through the interspaces.

2 years ago

There is no lack of oral hygiene. She’s picking her teeth after every meal.

You can do something wrong when brushing your teeth. And unfortunately, the dentists often don’t settle on it.

Gum inflammations occur almost in all cases due to a lack of or false oral hygiene.

The most common cause of gum inflammation is a collection of bacteria on the tooth surface.

If these are not removed regularly by thorough dental care, the bacteria can multiply unhindered and lead to gum lining, even at the rim of the gum. This ensures that the gum is roasted, starts to bleed and ignites.

I hope the dentist has removed your wife’s dentistry and done a thorough dental cleaning. If not, then I would visit another dentist.

The right tooth cleaning technique is just as important as regular cleaning. The greenness of oral hygiene can be easily checked by using dental color tablets. They make the remaining dental coverings visible. These are available in the pharmacy or the drugstore market. When optimally cleaned, no discolorations can be seen.

If your wife brushes your teeth 2x a day and cleanses the tooth spaces with tooth silk and/or tooth interspace brushes (interdental brushes) 1x a day, this is generally enough and it will no longer have problems with the gum.

2 years ago

Antibacterial oral rinsing such as chlorhexamed and electric toothbrush with very soft bristles and thus not only brush the teeth, but also massage the gum softly.

2 years ago

Anti-inflammatory foods can help.

2 years ago

It would be important to find out the trigger of inflammation.

If everything fits with the teeth, it may have a food allergy.

Chlorhexamed helps naturally, but should not be longer than max. Apply 2 weeks.