Chronische Isomnie, habe seit über ein Jahr Schlafstörungen, kein Tag bisher ein Tiefschlaf gehabt,habt ihr Erfahrungen und Tipps,welche Schlaftabletten helfen?

welche natürliche Schlaftabletten helfen

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1 year ago

With such severe sleep disorders as you describe them, self-medication, even with natural means, usually does not lead to the goal. Valerian, hops and co. can be helpful intermittently for the treatment of light sleep problems, but not for a sleep disorder that has existed for a year and which severely affects the softness and quality of sleep. Even if natural agents have an effect, the problem is only deteriorated and not solved – it is not about individual days and punctual sleep problems, but obviously a manifested sleep disorder.

In such a case, a doctor’s visit is alternativeless. The cause of sleep disorder must be determined to find a suitable treatment. In extreme cases, a visit to the sleep laboratory may be necessary.

Transitionally, a sleep-promoting medication with natural or synthetic active ingredients can be considered. These, however, only suppress the symptom (which, of course, can also be a blessing), but do not address the cause. Parallel to symptomatic treatment, causal treatment is therefore indispensable.

The quality of sleep depends on many factors, the main factor is its own behavior and personal circumstances. Pure physical pathologies take only a small percentage of sleep disorders. This means, in turn, that our own behaviour and personal circumstances are the most important starting point for the sustainable treatment of sleep disorders.

A doctor can do this in your case. The first contact person can be the pediatrician, but the most suitable contact person is a neurologist or psychiatrist (= specialist for neurology) or “Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie”). There’s even a private sleep doctor. Just let your family doctor advise you on the next steps.

I wish you all the best.

1 year ago

The classics like, no light in the sleeping area, open window, no coffee, 30 minutes before bedtime no screen time, no alcohol, no energy drink, sports, healthy diet, meditation and otherwise no drugs you already have?