Chronifizierte Magersucht?
Hallo, ich wiege 42 kg bei 1,74 m. Mein Körper hat sich bei diesem Gewicht eingependelt. Egal wie viel ich esse. Kann ich trotzdem sterben?
Ambulante Therapie kann ich nicht machen, dafür ist mein Gewicht zu gering. Stationär will ich nicht
Mein Hungergefühl ist weg. Oft habe ich Schmerzen in der Hüfte, Beinen. Liegt das an der Magersucht?
Was soll ich tun?
Hey, that sounds really hard what you’re going through. Your weight at 1.74 m is definitely far too low and yes, even if you say your body has “cocked” it, that can be really dangerous. Your feeling of hunger is gone, and the pain in the hips and legs are very likely to come from the magnificence. Your body really suffers from the lack of nutrients, which can lead to severe health problems in the long term. I know a stationary therapy is certainly not an easy decision, but honestly, that could really save you life. Ambulant doesn’t seem to be an option because of your weight, so it might be the best if you get your stationary help. You don’t have to get through this alone, and there are people who can help you get out of there.
You can choose a day clinic. But you have to get out of your control mechanisms… that’s best stationary.
No, you probably eat so much that you keep the weight on purpose. Many mages like to admit that their body is supposed to be so, especially because they want to be secret.
These are definitely not signs of a “pendulum”, but those for a starving.
You shouldn’t beat this sensible solution out of the wind. The text does not read out that you can do it on your own.
Yes, you can also die of this with a stable weight. I’m sure the doctors told you that. Norovirus or pneumonia require more strength than you can apply.
That sounds sad. No help is a hard decision. Think about it again.
Yes, your organs can be first damaged and fail in the worst case.
Please go in stationary treatment,before it’s too late,you just shove your own grave.
But how can the organs be damaged? I currently eat 1700 calories a day, but do not take it or off
In the weight you will hardly have muscle mass.Muscle mass is the first thing the body degrades when you starve.Because the heart is just a muscle, there is also reduced in extreme cases.Then the heart muscle would be irreversibly damaged.
But why am I so good? I feel the less I eat the more fit
For example, slow heartbeat or recurring heart rhythm disorders. The kidney function can also be disturbed.
What do I notice?
Do you want to be healthy? Unfortunately, you can read this out of your question. If so, you should go stationary, you’ll help. Because even if you feel you’re eating a lot, it’s probably too little.
And yes, with this weight you can die.
That’s what you’ve written for a while: