Christmas poem children
Does anyone know a nice Christmas poem that even small children (4 and 6 years old) can learn by heart?
Eigentlich hatten wir in Belrin jedes Jahr denke ich 2 Wochen Ferien, warum sind es dieses Jahr nur 1½?
Alle Jahre wieder kommt das Weihnachtsfest. Freut Ihr Euch schon darauf?
Hallo, Ich habe einen Schlüsselanhänger mit einem Herz für meinen Vater gekauft, aber irgendwie finde ich das peinlich, weil er mir wahrscheinlich voll viel schenken wird. Was kann ich machen? Viele Grüße
Hallo ihr Lieben, könnte jemand von euch mein Text korrigieren muss ihn morgen abgeben :(. Also ihr könnt gerne nach Grammatik und Satzbau Fehler suchen 🙂 das wäre ziemlich nett. LG ANGI Das vorliegende Gedicht ,,Wenn nicht mehr Zahlen und Figuren“ von Novalis wurde im Jahr 1800 verfasst und lässt sich in die Epoche der…
Hallo zusammen ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. wir müssen ein Gedicht schreiben, ohne den Namen zu erwähnen. Der Name soll aus dem Gedicht herausgefunden werden. Ein paar stichpunkte sie Trinkt gerne Wein mit Freunden ist 30 Jahre alt, spielt lange Fußball, vor unserer Zeit spielte sie in der Niederrheinliga in schwarz gelben Trikots und…
My daughter (now 5 years old) learned the following face last year and said:
Nikolaus says!
When I saw the calendar,
I cried, egg, the bewitch!
The boots! Time is here!
Heut is the sixth!
My sled brought me to the pole
and my Ferrari F50
along the long coast
Western Scandinavia.
And when I went to ship
want to travel to Austria
a man grabbed my bag:
Do they have anything to customs?
And the patience torn away,
I pulled out the forehead:
Know me, you sheephead, every child.
I’m Nikolaus!
I’ve written this myself, but I’m sure it’s too easy to learn:
Merry Christmas?
Too much happens, too much happens,
in my head, a thousand thoughts,
how to continue.
Grade at Christmas time should be happy,
but what is good for me,
I can’t be happy.
For days, I’ve noticed how the mood rises.
But not the good mood,
but the bad ones in me.
She wants to show herself out.
And shy.
Is that good or bad,
shall I arrest her?
Or should I allow it.
Everyone knows,
how bad I am,
all alone at Christmas time,
lonely, sad,
no man far and wide,
which I close into the arms, tightly press,
can love and feel.
I want to experience, too,
what everyone knows:
Listening, telling, two,
to third under a fir tree,
when the lights sparkle in the eyes,
Just stay a dream again.
Every year this fucking feeling,
the warmth and proximity,
an inaccessible target.
From Christkind
Think – I have longed the Christkind!
It came out of the forest, the little cap full of snow,
with frozen nuts.
The little hands hurt him;
for it wore a sack that was hard,
dragging and polishing behind him –
What was in there, you want to know?
Your nostrils, your helmet pack –
do you think he’s open?
Tied up to top!
But there was something beautiful in it;
it smelled like apples and nuts!
Anna Ritter, 1865 – 1921
I know a little different 😀
This is the classic:
Advent, Advent
a light burning
only 1
then 2
then 3
then 4
then the Christkind is coming!
and if the 5. Lights burning
then you have transgressed Christmas;-)
servant Ruprecht
It’s freezing out,
who’s coming through the winter forest?
Stippstapp, stippstapp and huckpack –
Ruprecht is with his bag.
What’s in that bag?
Apples, almonds and rosin’
and beautiful sugar roses,
also peppers’ for the good child;
the others who are not like,
He knocks on his pants.
Martin Boelitz 1874 – 1918
christmas, why is the sack so light? yes the iphone is enough
Google after Christmas poem for children. There you will find zig pages with very beautiful and simple poems. Depends on the child, how good it works with memorizing, and so you will surely find what fits.