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13 years ago

We put cold plates on, so that no one has to stand in the kitchen in the evening. They are put aside, then we go to the church and eat three worships so that the Mesner has freed on Christmas. Then home, celebrate, eat, drink, distribute very small gifts… be happy. Greeting, q.

13 years ago

So I (14) always spend Christmas Eve with the whole family (sisters, mom, dad) There are always particularly delicious, expensive food (3 courses) This will be prepared imemr, so if we get back out of the criche is almost ready. The dessert comes after the cremation. When iwr is finally finished with dinner we watch ashtrays:D Anyway, we’ve done this almost every year! Then we all look forward to our beautiful gifts and that everyone is satisfied and then we go to bed sometime :D:D

P.S.: My biggest sister can’t let go of a round;D

13 years ago

Church used to be, now no more. Food is always different and is usually coordinated with us.

13 years ago

Nothing special. Sometimes church (I fortunately not), food (don’t know what there is, I usually get at KFC nen Party Bucket), pack out gifts and then sit together.

I don’t have to be atheist!

13 years ago

Church, unpack gifts, eat raclette and be cozy together 😉

13 years ago

With the whole family in the church, then at home light candles on the Christmas tree, sing songs, food ( sausage with potato salad according to Grandmas recipe, there is always), unpack gifts, sit comfortably together

13 years ago

We all sit comfortably in the living room, eat cookies and pack gifts from… at midday there is potato salad and sausages and in the evening there is duck or turkey!!! We’re not going to church…

6 months ago

celebrate my mother’s birthday