Chlor und Essigreiniger benutzt?
Ich bin in eine verdreckte Schimmelwohnung mit warscheinlich Mäusen hingezogen,ein Reinfall
Mir wurde gesagt ich soll mit Chlor putzen und Essig
Dies tat ich paar Tage
Habe großzügig es benutzen
Bis ich jetzt lese das Chlor extrem gefährlich ist und gemeinsam mit Essig
Habe ein kleines Kind ?
Mein Kind geht’s gut ,mir war eben leicht übel
Aber zuletzt habe ich heute nur ein Stück ins WC zum entkalken reingetan und vorgestern damit geputzt
Insgesamt 3-4 mal stark
Muss ich ins Krankenhaus oder soll ich es einfach nicht mehr machen und gut ist ?
Ich wusste nicht das es schädlich ist hilfe
The chlorine cleaners usually contain sodium hypochlorite NaOCl, also referred to as chlorine bleaches. Chlorine gas Cl can be used with acids, i.e. also with acetic acid2 develop.
NaOCl + NaCl + 2 H3O+–> 2 Na++ 3 H2O + Cl2
Therefore, you should never mix chlorine cleaners with acidic cleaning agents. If you have applied the cleaners one after the other and not spilled together, the amount of free chlorine should be very small, if at all. What smells like swimming pool is not the dangerous chlorine gas, but probably the harmless chlorine bleaches. If you have no breathing problems, discomfort or other massive deficits, you can relax. Maybe ventilate again and is good. If something else should smell, it cannot be the dangerous chlorine gas, because gases have the property of quickly evaporating. Don’t panic! But be careful with chlorine cleaners in the future together with acids.
Chlorine gas is produced only directly when contacting vinegar. And it’s gone after a lie. But as Picus48 writes: Don’t do that again! By the way, you get mold well with spirit, which is nontoxic. But also good ventilation, of course.
You can decalcify with vinegar. Chlorine bleaches don’t help.
“I was told” – I am sorry. But sometimes it helps to just google briefly when you get such tips.
It’s best to tell you about chlorine bleaches. You don’t need it. Can always be replaced by something more non-toxic.
Chlorine cleaner always smells like “chlorine” for a very long time.
It becomes dangerous together with acids. because then large amounts of chlorine are released directly and the nose is in the middle of the cloud. This too is over, so there is no panic here too.
Basically, you’ve done everything wrong. Start reading the instructions and safety instructions from your cleaners.
Chlorine cleaner is cheap and efficient against chlorine, but it stinks for weeks and it should be ventilated very well. So he’s actually just peculiar for the summer months. In winter it is better to work with hydrogen peroxide. It doesn’t stink and is just as efficient, but much more expensive.
For a layman, I recommend a maximum concentration of 3% hydrogen peroxide, always (simple latex) gloves, not spray but apply with brush.