
Ich hatte gestern morgen ungeschützten Oralverkehr mit einer Frau und heute schreibt sie mir, dass sie Chlamydien hat…

Aus meinem letzten Urlaub habe ich noch eine Packung Zithromax, ich habe mir das damals im Urlaub besorgt um in Fall der Fälle sofort reagieren zu können. Hatte schon mal Chlamydien und nach der Einnahme von 3 Tabletten war es sofort weg.

Eine Infektion ist mir ja mit hiher Wahrscheinlichkeit sicher, richtig? Sollte ich die Tabletten also jetzt sofort schon nehmen? Oder besser erstmal 1-2 Wochen warten ob ich Symptome zeige? Eventuell habe ich ja Glück gehabt, mein Immunsystem ist eigentlich relativ stark.

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1 month ago

Hello, in principle You should never use antibiotics on your own and without medical care.

According to my experience with Clamydia, one should not overreact in panic snap breathing and shoot at sparrows with cannons. For example, according to the test, I had Clamydia in the throat room, but without any complaints. My doctor came to wait, and at the next test a few weeks later, the stuff in me was suddenly no longer detectable.

This will not be so terrible for you men, which is why I would also recommend to wait. – Greetings, Imke =)

1 month ago
Reply to  feete7

>> Unfortunately, no one could answer the question. ANNEX

I am not, as this is not a medical forum and I am not a doctor.

1 month ago
Reply to  feete7

>>Do you have sex worker in 14 years only one time Chlamydien < <

“Oben” yes, “below” not. However, AB is really helping miracles in no time. – Greeting Imke =)

1 month ago

Then you should talk to the doctor as soon as you have symptoms that can cause further investigations

And you’re describing appropriate means, but I wouldn’t take anything like that… if there are other bacteria or the like, this must be treated accordingly.

Without consultation with the doctor, I wouldn’t accept

1 month ago
Reply to  feete7

Then see if you do symptoms the next days and then see the doctor. It doesn’t help. 😊 as I said nothing without consulting the doctor. The doctor will also be able to help you in a doubt case more LG Yasmina 😊

1 month ago

Ah aso then it’s different to blame… just look you should have symptoms then you can take it but also ask the doctor again if questions about the dosage o ä Everything love😊

1 month ago

Let the doctor test you, if you’ve plugged in, you’ll get doxycycline for a week… Don’t just take antibiotics.