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8 months ago

A chiropractor treats with his hands. Approach of chiropractices > most physical complaints are based on joint changes.

An osteopath also treats the hands. Osteopathy > Osteopathy approaches the causes of symptoms and treats the patient in its entirety.

8 months ago

I’ve never been to the chiropractor, but I’ve been informed about it.

The chiropracist seems to be almost just falling and very extensive.

An osteopath first analyzes the body and looks at the overall picture, then he renches the really important places and this with caution and then treats the muscles very extensively and massages them so that they also adapt after sinking. The biggest difference is that not only a sinking takes place, but also a massage of the muscles.

This helps me very much because I sometimes have very many blockades that can even cause severe complaints.

8 months ago

Osteopathy goes back to the founder Still. Chirotherapy is of other origin (palmer). They have spread from the American continent since the beginning of the last century. Chirotherapy treats disorders on the musculoskeletal system with handles. Osteopathy is holistic: musculoskeletal system, craniosacral therapy (skull and more) visceral osteopathy (intestines). Both are spread in physiotherapy circles, some doctors also have this additional qualification.