Chinesisches Porzellan? Markenzeichen?
Hallo, kennt jemand von euch dieses Markenzeichen?
Hallo, kennt jemand von euch dieses Markenzeichen?
Ich möchte um Hilfe bitten! Ich habe zwei alte Pilzgemälde. Ich habe eines auf einer alten deutschen Postkarte mit einer Briefmarke von 1908 gefunden. Leider kann ich den Maler auch nach ausführlicher Recherche nicht identifizieren. Ich weiß nicht, ob die Bilder irgendeinen Wert haben und ich kenne den Maler nicht. Ich freue mich über jede…
Mich würde Interessieren, um was es sich genau bei diesem Stempel handelt? Vielen Dank im Voraus
Hy, ich besitze ne ganze Menge an Yugioh-Karten und will sie verkaufen. Ebay hab ich zwar eingerichtet, aber optimal wirkt das ganze nicht. Natürlich könnte ich sie alle einzeln nachprüfen und aufschreiben, aber alleine so Sachen wie die Qualität ist irgendwo ja auch subjektiv. Gerade als nicht-Kenner kann’s da schwierig werden. Wie kann ich die…
Habe zwei funktionierende Perpendikel Uhren bzw Pendeluhren bekommen, welche ich verkaufen soll. Sind diese in sehr gutem Zustand noch was Wert oder eher nur verschenken?
These are several, I’m sure. The image of the vase can of course be very helpful.
Your brand, a quarter turn left. That’s right.
I’ve had the brand before, and I’ve been stupid and dusty, that I didn’t find it again. But now I am very sure
Here’s a Kutani brand of a vase between 1970 and 2000 was made. Source
The Kutani brand is a generic brand and, as so often in Japanese and Chinese porcelain, cannot be assigned to any production. Unless there are other brands in addition to the Kutani brand. It’s a Japanese brand, so a Japanese vase. Kutani (九谷 = Nine mountains).
Kutani-Keramik (japanese九谷焼, Kutani-yaki) is the name for Japanese ceramic products which are Province of Kagatoday Prefecture Ishikawain late 17. century and then again from 1807 were or become.
Your vase has a late decor and looks like made for the European or American market, so I see it. Similar decorations can be found quite often on all popular sales portals.
The fact that the brands sometimes differ significantly does not have to surprise you. This is often the case. Firstly, there are several Japanese writing styles and, secondly, many Japanese also have a sour claw.
Now you have some information and you can still research yourself a bit.
Have fun;)
Good morning, thanks for the addition! Now it’s easier to research and at the beginning I was inclined not to take the vase so seriously, as this kind spreads in the 1960s to the end of 1970s as a tea service in Germany and were “in” and not very valuable. The rather routine execution of painting works after mass production, but I saw very high-quality models on the net, which were similarly executed.
I haven’t discovered the signature yet, but I haven’t seen it yet. But I think it might have been a cover on it and was used as a temple vessel.
With Google Lens you will find a larger selection of similar models, with some excitement and fun to research and, of course, time for it, you could get on the way. 😉
Let’s see if I can find even more accurate, but maybe someone else here in the forum is “fixed”.