Chinaroller Tuning?

Servus erstmal,

Ich bin fast 15 und mache gerade meinen Mofa Führerschein.

Ich habe nur den alten Chinaroller meines Bruders, ich wollte diesen entdrosseln aber wegen der ECU geht das nicht.

Deshalb wollte ich fragen was ich alles optisch am Roller ändern könnte, dass dieser trotzdem noch legal bleibt.

Danke im voraus:)

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2 years ago

Joar… This is also the case with the ECU. Otherwise, the tuning measures refer in principle to the purely optical. There’s something to be done with technical modifications. For example, if you want to incorporate other Vario weights, that goes. Another exhaust is okay if he has an ABE.

2 years ago

For example, if you want to incorporate other Vario weights, that goes.

Do you have more illegal tips?

2 years ago
Reply to  wattdennnu2

I would have. Doesn’t change anything that you can change the Vario weights as long as you change the weight yourself.