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1 year ago


Böller, which can be sold in Germany for the purpose of New Year’s Eve, have a maximum quantity of 6g black powder.

China Böller D fully irritate this 6g.

The consequences of such a Böller “detonated” in the hand are simple: burns. That’s all. You do not have meat wounds, bone fractures or even separated limbs. The explosive power is too low for that. The only injuries are small-surface burns of second degree, which are painful, but completely heal and also do not require medical examination.

It becomes more critical with bulls that do not contain black powder, but lightning set (BKS). These fall under the category P1 (sound producers) and may become New Year’s Eve not to be fired. They are obtained primarily in neighbouring countries or in online shops.

If you buy normal pellets in the store, all black powders (and no BKS) will be included.

There is no fundamental limitation of the amount of BKS (6g) in the case of Böllers with a flashing set, but in comparison the same amount BKS (6g) would inevitably lead to separated fingers if not even to loss of the entire hand.

That’s why, leave your fingers from BKS-Schei** from abroad.

1 year ago

They are very dangerous when used incorrectly.

Every year, people are seriously hurt or lose limbs or other parts of the body, because they ignite the balls in their hands and underestimate the danger.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vennesla

In the worst case, the 6g black powders in German bulls are expected to burn the second degree in small areas, which completely naturally heal and do not require special treatment.

You have a completely wrong picture of German tested goods. Nothing serious can happen with this.

Separated limbs aren’t even at all.

This would be the case with the BKS-Mist, which many are getting up and which is not allowed anyway to ignite on New Year’s Eve.

1 year ago
Reply to  MagisterSamael

People have already lost an eye, it’s over 25 years since I worked in the emergency room, but at that time I saw so much injuries, especially from young people who thought they had to go around with bulls.

1 year ago

Eyes are not a good argument when it comes to the risk of injury.

An eye can be destroyed by everyday things in a variety of ways.

but at that time I saw so much of injuries, especially of young people who thought they had to go around with bulls.

Funny, I worked in the rescue service and was therefore the first on site to judge the overall situation.

I had no single case due to black powder boilers where permanent damage occurred. All the dangerous injuries I had were caused by BKS goods – almost all of them in combination with alcohol intox.

The German inspection authority for (Silvester) fireworks repeats my statements almost to the word:

1 year ago

So, in my opinion, China Böller D can’t really throw up the hand. Nevertheless, there can be great damage. In the case of illegal Polish customs, the damage is significantly greater

1 year ago

a certain care in handling should be adhered to, otherwise those 30 years ago were significantly more than today, in my hand I would not keep them.

1 year ago

I wouldn’t hold things in my hand if I was already burning…

You can’t hurt yourself if it’s stupid.

1 year ago

These were the last words of the one-armed man.

1 year ago

They can rip your hand off with gloves…

1 year ago
Reply to  lostr3turn

No, there weren’t enough cases in which debes like you have smashed your hands because they thought “it can’t happen.” If you’re undetectable, don’t ask!

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonym83829

Easy: No.

Black powder sheets with a maximum of 6g (i.e. legal) cannot do so under any circumstances.