Chevrolet (Camaro) Werkstatt?


ich fasse es mal kurz: ein Kollege und ich diskutieren gerade, ob er sich einen Audi RS7 oder einen Chevrolet Camaro SS oder ZL1 zulegen soll. Lange Rede kurzer Sinn: Er hat das Argument gebracht, dass man beim Chevrolet (Camaro) kaum eine Werkstatt findet, bzw. die teurer sind, weil es so wenige davon gibt.

Stimmt das? Hab jetzt im Internet nichts dazu gefunden, oder ich hab falsch gegoogelt, danke für alle Antworten 😀

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2 years ago

Anyone who can think about a rs7 should also have the necessary money for the Camaro reperature or buy a level cheaper.

Workshop connection is an argument degree in Exoten and a place of residence not grades in big cities can already lead to the problem but are pricey because all are expensive but who bought such a car has the money or really big complex himself without being able to afford to drive such sleds anyway.

2 years ago

All prestige cars have high repair costs, no matter which brands. In general, Americans have the most fuel consumption due to large engines, while Germans are building Down Sizing engines

2 years ago
Reply to  Anson12

That’s not true anymore. Camaro and Corvette have a cylinder shutdown. You can move the car easily at 8 L. I know, I’m going to have 6 genes of SS.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarcelZ169

8L displacement is still too much. The Germans already have up to 4L capacity with over 600 ps. The latest corvette has 6.2l.

2 years ago

You linked the response to fuel consumption. I wrote that you can easily move the car with 8l, which is not to understand? But all right, now you know.

2 years ago

It says you’re moving with 8l. How do I know you’re either driving 8l or driving around with 8l motor? A more detailed description would be more understandable to me

2 years ago

I wrote that my car consumed 8 L when I was saving. How did you leave anything with 8L?

2 years ago

A workshop for Audi is also expensive