Chemo wird beendet – austherapiert?
Bei meiner Schwester wurden vor einem Jahr viele Metastasen auf der Lunge festgestellt und ein agressiver Brustkrebs diagnostiziert. Seit einem Jahr hatte sie jetzt jede Woche eine Chemotherapie und alle drei Wochen zusätzlich eine Antikörpertherapie bekommen und auch halbwegs gut vertragen. Heute wurde ihr mitgeteilt, dass die Chemotherapie beendet wird, weil sie wohl keinen Nutzen mehr bringt. Die Antikörpertherapie soll aber alle drei Wochen noch fortgesetzt werden. Was bedeutet das? Ist sie austherapiert? Uns war schon klar, dass die Behandlung nur noch palliativ erfolgen kann und keine Heilung in Sicht ist, aber die Beendung der Chemo macht Angst.
In the spring, two people from our environment went very quickly and even before their time – that was bad and has led to much unfinished because of the speed with which it happened – but ultimately such thoughts do not help – if it happens you have to let people go – there is no choice anyway.
So this answer does not really raise the questioner in answering her question.
Palliative is not the end for days. I have been palliative with breast cancer for several years and I still live.
There are many therapies nowadays.
What does palliative mean? Pain relief for dying without great suffering. You’ll have to expect her to die. This can go very fast, so use the remaining time and be so much for them! And tell her everything you always wanted to tell her.
So don’t exaggerate.
I’ve been metastasing for four years, so palliative. You don’t die so fast today. Don’t scare her.
have breast cancer in the metastasised stage.
I have received antibody therapy for almost 2 years as monotherapy (i.e. without chemo).
At some point the effect has decreased, then an updated antibody came and now soon the next. Advantage of this therapy:
A lot of water flows down the Rhine until you get out of therapy.
Thank you for your answer. I can
don’t say how much you helped me. I just hope that my sister’s antibody therapy works so well and I wish you all the best.
Very much, I don’t know if you have Facebook, but if there are very many groups for metastasised patients. We always exchange each other over everything possible.
I’ve been through a lot, including metastases in my head, irradiations, stabilising surgery on the spine.
I found a very good physiotherapist after my last surgery, one of whom sees me and my illness all over.
At the moment I’m doing great, I get my therapy every three weeks and even go after a minijob. Make 1-2x a week physio and get super clear.
You fighter, we have no Facebook, but told my sister about you, think that gave her some confidence and a little more hope. DANKE!!! I wish you all the best
Very important, not a few, but out, life continues.