Chemisches Grundlage?


ich habe diese Aufgabe so gelöst, aber bin bei meine Lösung unsicher.

kann bitte jmd. überprüfen, ob ich die richtige Lösungen habe.

i) 1. 121,3 2. 121,3. 3. 253,7. 4. 106,3

ii) 1. sp^2. 2. sp^2. 3. sp^3. 4. Hybridisierung mit d-Orbital

iii) C: 60%. H: 4,48%. O: 35,52%

Danke im Voraus

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1 year ago

The angles (1) and (2) relate to sp2 -hybridized C atoms, so they should be around 120°. On the other hand, the atoms (3) and (4) are sp3-hybridized, i.e. roughly 109°. d-Orbitals do not play a role anywhere — first because the carbon has no, and secondly, because they do not do anything for heavier elements.

The total formula is C9H8O4 if I didn’t count. Therefore:

w(C) = 4⋅M(C)/M(C9H8O4) = 60.002%
w(H) = 8⋅M(H)/M(C9H8O4) = 4.475%
w(O) = 4⋅M(O)/M(C9H8O4) = 35.523%

That’s what you got right.

2 months ago

Hey, how’s the task?