chemie rechnung?
250ml einer NaOH-Lösung werden durch eine zugabe von 150ml H2SO4 (c=2 mol/l) vollständig neutralisiert (alle H+ -Ionen) der Schwefelsäure reagieren mit allen (OH-) -Ionen der Natronlauge zu H2O). Durch die weitere Zugabe von HCl und HNO3 soll ein ausreichend saures Milieu geschaffen werden. Es werden 75ml HCl ( w= 32%, p=1,16g/cm^3 bei 25 Grad) und 50ml HNO3 mit einer Massenkonzentration von 806 g/l zugeführt. Wie ist die nominelle Stoffkonzentration der (H+)- Ionen in mol/l in der entstehenden Lösung?
Wie rechnet man sich das aus?
Because of the tag biochemistry, I suspect that one does not need the exact chemical response here, but simplifies:
(1) Calculate the volume of the solution under the assumption that the volumes of the individual solutions are additive (they are not in concentrated solutions, but the deviations are mostly in a few percent of the smaller volume)
2) “(all H+ ions) of the sulfuric acid react with all (OH) ions of the sodium hydroxide solution to H2 O)” and then we assume that this is not only the case at the beginning but is still the case after the addition of HCl and HNO3. (Is it not that sulfate reacts with H+ in the acid to form hydrogen sulfate.)
3) Calculate from the volumes and the remaining data on the acid solutions only the mass, then the amount of pure acid.
This would be the interpretation in the event that current teaching topics are the concentration and salary data. If, on the other hand, strong and weak acids are involved, note my parentheses to 2).