Chemie LK Abitur was machen?

Hallo Leute,

ich schreibe bald Chemie LK Abi in Berlin und wollte euch fragen, ob ihr schon Chemie LK Abi geschrieben habt und wie es für euch war. Und was empfehlt ihr mir vor die Prüfung zu machen bzw. was hat euch so dabei geholfen? Welche Themen würdet ihr mir empfehlen und was habt ihr gewählt? Also ich würde gerne alles darüber wissen, da ich sehr schlecht in Chemie bin, mache ich mir große Sorgen.

Danke im Voraus

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1 year ago

Yes, I did a few years ago. Lief good. Does Berlin have a central office? If so, I would definitely do the audits from previous years. Of course, this makes sense only when you have understood the topics from the relevant half-years (which are, you should know from the lessons, or you can also search curricula on the Internet, or just see the documents), you can also repeat the exams and exercises from the lessons. I would therefore repeat the relevant themes first. If you have specific questions, now use the time and clarify it with the teacher, maybe write summaries, or go through themes with friends, explain each other’s content. (It is important to understand what learning methods are best used).

9 months ago
Reply to  steineinhorn

Hi, I’ve got the question of how much math comes in chemistry, just think about chem. LK to choose

9 months ago
Reply to  nutzer12345189

A bit, depending on the topic is more or less. It’s not really a very complex thing. The most complicated are actually logarithms, otherwise you should be able to deal with equations, you can change them if you get to know and practice math halfway, this is feasible.