Study chemistry teaching without chemistry in your Abitur?

Hello friends,

This year I graduated from a science-focused high school with a degree in math, biology, English, and history, with an average grade of 2.3. I haven't taken chemistry since the tenth grade, and I only got poor grades back then. I'm currently doing a transition year to figure out what I want to do later. I've been studying chemistry for a while now, and I really enjoy it! I really enjoy the complexity of biochemistry and medicine, and I'm considering whether I would still be able to study biology and chemistry to become a teacher, even though I don't have any academic background in chemistry.
Does anyone know?

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3 months ago

Not all chemistry students have had in school chemistry until the end, in some gymnasiums it may not even have existed. All those who have an Abi will be caught in the course of their studies.

Anyone who has successfully completed it in the Schukle is likely to be a little easier, but whoever likes the subject can do it easily. Because then the basic understanding should be there;-)

3 months ago

This has no influence on the award of the study place, which subjects you had in the upper level.

But in your studies, you have to expect you to do it in the first. semesters will be much heavier than your fellow students who had chemistry in Abi, especially heavier than those who had chemistry performance.