Chemie kann mir bitte jemand helfen?
Hallo, kann mir einer helfen muss morgen ein Referat über Carbonssäureester halten und brauch diese ester in der Strukturformel gezeichnet .also ich muss sie in die Valenzstrichformel zeichnen. Im Internet kommen komische Abbildungen die ich nicht in der valenzstrichformel zeichnen kann.
I need for all substances in the table
The rest you have to draw yourself. You just have to adjust the chain lengths…
The ester bond is always the same, only the numbers of carbon atoms differ.
Take the first: there is formic acid, which has a carbon atom. There is also -ethyl ester, i.e. 2 carbon atoms on the right.
Formic acid is the trivial name for methaneic acid (1 C atom), acetic acid of ethanic acid (2 C atoms), propionic acid of propanoic acid (3 C atoms), butyric acid of 4 C atoms. Then I still know Valerian acid, which is the trivial name of pentanoic acid (5 C atoms).
I have no idea about which I war not going to my group members have also wanted me to kiss but the good note
You need to count the acid and the alkyl residue individually…and it’s not 6!
That is, in the case of propyl acetate, it has 6 carbon atoms and I only have to draw 6 pieces and insert the h and, as above, double bond marks?
Count the carbon atoms and draw it as above in the AnanasAroma
I can’t draw it
Then take Wiki… group
Please, if you can, I would be very grateful if you would all draw this because this should also be a group work, but the members have this in the ass and I would like to have a good note
We have no 😂😂😂
They should also be in your ChemistryBook…
I don’t know we’re just supposed to make a learning prudence and we have to introduce them tomorrow. If you can draw all this
Depending on this, both chains may have to be adjusted.
You should know the names of the residues and acids if you are already with the esters.
But where is the chain that has to be adapted and then I have to add the C atoms Z. Butter acid methyl ester and then as many C as well as methane?
vllt help you out here