[Chemie] Ist diese Redoxreaktion richtig?

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welche der beiden Berechnungen ist richtig? Das 1. Bild ist ein Bild meiner Rechnung und das 2. Bild der Aufschrieb vom Lehrer.

Ich freue mich sehr auf eure hilfreichen Antworten.

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1 year ago

The equations with F and 2 F are wrong. Fluorine occurs in a molecular way and you have to write that. The spelling with the square brackets around the ions is also unusual. Either you leave the ions individually on or the fabric, just like the last two lines on the gray note.

1 year ago
Reply to  maennlich2002

Yeah, yours is right. I’d rather not say anything to the teacher.

1 year ago

Sounds very sad, especially for the pupils who, unlike you, can’t work out themselves. But I can’t give you advice, I’ve been out of school for 50 years and not back in.

1 year ago


because image of your calculation is correct. Please keep this up so you write F2! Fluorine forms molecules like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen etc.

Even if your teacher wants to simplify it to you: it is not chemically correct for fluorine. You can argue about the spelling of the ions, but is now not chemically incorrect. It’s just unusual.

To your teacher: I suspect that he has filed his state examination many decades ago, or perhaps not even comes from the teaching department, but is a cross-comer. I would actually wait for the result of the class work and, if the overall result is rather bad, may go to the departmental management or another place of your school to sign this and possibly to make changes. The problem is that here an unmotivated faculty and a full curriculum meet each other and you are the sufferers.