Chemistry ions?
Hello, I'm writing an essay soon and I don't understand something. I'm supposed to list the ions that make up the following salt-like substances. I don't know what to do. How do I solve this for copper chloride CuCl2, calcium nitrate Ca3N2, and silver sulfide Ag2S? Is copper chloride CU2+,CL2-? Unfortunately, I don't have a chemistry class before the essay. I would really appreciate an answer. Thank you in advance.
The salt copper chloride (CuCl2), as the name suggests, consists of copper ions and chloride ions. In the nomenclature the cation (the positively charged ion) is always called before the anion (the negatively charged ion). Here you also know directly that copper chloride is made up of copper cations and chloride ions.
With CuCl2 from Cu2+ and Cl ions.
Calcium nitrate is not Ca3N2. It is Ca(NO3)2. The name suggests that calcium must be the cation and nitrate the anion. Here is Ca2+ and NO3.
You’re doing the same with silver sulphide. The name shows you that it must consist of silver cations and sulphonations. So Ag2S consists of Ag+ and S2- ions.
So you were on the right steamer. However, you need to look more closely. CuCl2 consists of a copper and 2 chloride ions (CuCl2)2). Accordingly, from Cu2+ and Cl-, so that the total charge at the end 0 results.
It is only important that for element symbols such as Cu for copper or Cl for chlorine, only the first letter is large.
Since it is not easy to implement here, also the memory: The charges behind ions (2+, -,…) are placed behind the ion.
This is basically the octet rule and the game “How many electrons have to absorb or release an atom to achieve noble gas configuration”. I’m sure you played that in an earlier school year in chemistry class. Ions are simply what out if an atom receives or emits electrons has.
Unfortunately, only the subgroup metals are not so easy, but you get that.
So: A Cl atom wants to pick up an electron to achieve noble gas configuration. Just one, not two or three. If it has taken an electron, it is simply negatively charged, so Cl(-). This is the chloride ion. The only one. There is no Cl(2-). And no Cl(+).
In Ca and N the same: Ca will clearly emit two electrons, so the Ca ion is clearly double positively charged: Ca(2+). N will again receive 3 electrons and thus be charged three times negatively: N(3-).
At this point, however, you should decide whether you are calciumnitrate (Ca[NO3]2 ) or Ca2N3, calciumnitride. Watch what you read/write!
As shown above, you can easily realize that the chloride ion is always Cl(-). Alternatively, you can also notice this because this ion is very common in chemistry.
If the copper chloride has the sum formula CuCl2, this means that 2 Cl(-) ions come to a Cu ion. And the charges are obviously equal to each other. Thus, the Cu ion must logically be twice positively charged, i.e. Cu(2+).
In the case of sulfur, you can derive from the octet rule that there is the Ion S(2-) (there are other things that can make sulfur… but here it fits). Analogous to the copper chloride, you can also unlock the charge of the Ag ions.