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1 year ago

Just look at whether new substances are created with new properties. You notice that, for example, a liquid and a solid substance produce a gas. Or that something liquid does not evaporate during heating, but becomes solid. Or that after heating/mixing tastes slightly different/has a different color.

My tip: good explanations about this and also many other basics are available in my Chemistry favourite book:Jule and the horrors of chemistry: Heering, Andrea, Palitzsch-Schulz, Aruna: Books

great success!

2 years ago

Vaporizing water I would rather be considered physical, but all that has to do with changes of substance compositions is chemical. Evaporating water still has the same composition, the only difference in the evaporation in the kinetic and potent energy of the water molecules, which ensures that the vapor pressure equals the atmospheric pressure.

I have never understood the meaning of such tasks.

2 years ago


Chemical reactions cannot be reversed. In a physical process, only the aggregate state, size or shape is changed.

I hope I could help you with <3

1 year ago
Reply to  Jelena972

Chemical reactions can be reversed – but do not stop simply by changing the temperature.