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1 year ago

So maybe I’m wrong with my guessing, but is it about electronegativity? These are found in the periodic system as such a number of times below the abbreviation, such as 1.33 or 0.45 or so, and the electronegativity is calculated by calculating the difference of the two values, as an example at H2O:

H=2,2 and O=3,44

3,44-2,2=1,24=electrone-gativity value

If the value is between 0.4 and 1.8, is it polar and you may have to order the values rising? Perhaps this is also quite wrong, so no guarantee for it😂

1 year ago
Reply to  helen1707

there is no one. Delta EN = 0. Fabric is of course nonpolar.

1 year ago

Yes exactly