Chef verschreibt mir keine Benzos, kann ich ihn anzeigen?
Hallo, ich war gerade beim Arzt und meinte er soll mir Xanax verschreiben da ich aktuell nicht schlafen kann. Er hat gesagt er verschreibt es mir nicht und hat sich nicht überreden lassen.
Überlege ihn jetzt wegen unterlassener Hilfeleistung anzuzeigen. Was meint ihr?
What a doctor tells you, he decides. No one will do what you think he’ll do. You can politely ask him or ask him.
He obviously doesn’t have the impression that a benzodiazepine would be right for you against anxiety disorders. Alprazolam is not admitted as a sleeping agent. If he meant you needed a sleeping pill, he would have prescribed you one.
And if another doctor evaluates it differently, you have to try it yourself.
If you have too much money, calm down.
But he didn’t commit a crime.
Acute lack of sleep is not life-threatening. In addition, you should try everything else and go to the bottom of insomnia.
Starting with benzos is like shooting with cannons on sparrows.
Something else doesn’t help.
Have you tried everything? All other medicines and home products? Then make an appointment in the sleep lab.
You can see everyone…. But if the ad is followed? Not more.
You can sue him.
A good luck the doctor studied decides whether and what medicines he should prescribe and not you as a layman.
“Ey, tell me drug X!” will not work. If he does not see the need for the drug, he will not prescribe it either.
Apparently not. He said Alprazolam is too often misused and that’s why he doesn’t write it to me. Can I do anything to abuse people?
You want to abuse it, too. It is not a sleeping agent, but a rapidly dependent tranquilizer.
There are certainly other active ingredients that help. You don’t have to go directly to benzos.
And his beer, what he tells you. According to your other questions, you’re drug addicted anyway – so the doctor did everything right.
Is my beer what I want to take
You can’t tell him yet. If you have such strong panic/anxiety disorders, which is why you can’t sleep, a psychiatrist would be the more appropriate contact person than your family doctor.
ne helps nix
You can make a penalty application, but it will be set quite quickly.
The regulation of drugs is not a Wünsch-dir-what!
Your message awakes in me only a thought
I am ashamed of you
and no
he can tell you what he thinks right
and xanax is a tranquilizer
no sleeping medium
one does not sleep – one loses consciousness
the irritation is reduced to the 0 punk but you still run around like a zombie
Why be ashamed? You know, even try the stuff, but you want to forbid others… that’s the favorite ones. Sorry if I want to try it out because I can’t pee right now
The doctor decides which medicines are useful in your case, not you.
Of course you can show him, but you won’t bring anything.
Don’t get anything special.
Unfug. He doesn’t have to tell you anything.
Sure, he’s my doctor?
And that’s exactly why he’s obligated you not to prescribe any testifying preparations on call. He’s acting correctly.
That’s why he doesn’t have to do what you want. What you get prescribed is alone decision of the Doc