Boss doesn't stick to my set working hours at McDonald's mini-job?


So, while I'm at school, I'm doing a part-time job at McDonald's to earn some money. Right now, I'm pretty stressed about studying because of my upcoming Abitur exams. I want to continue my part-time job, though, so I told my boss I only want to work a total of 10 hours on the weekend, and only until 11 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. She did that for the first few weeks, but she's not sticking to it anymore. I've already written to her about it and said that I only want to work until 11 p.m. on Fridays, for example. It often happens that she schedules me for two 6-hour shifts. Sure! An extra hour a day isn't a lot, but it would be an extra hour for studying or for my free time. Is it somehow impossible to demand such things from me? I'm just wondering how I should proceed now.

An answer would help me a lot


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4 months ago

As a mini-jobber, you’re filling gaps – and they’re just coming out on weekends. Fast food restaurants are hard to find staff. Something has to be done – like a free weekend.

You can quit or talk to the supervisor if you can leave the employment relationship until you have your Abi.

4 months ago

She doesn’t have to follow your wishes. You both stick to what’s in the contract. What’s in it?

If you want other working hours, a new contract and a deeper wage will be created.

Especially on weekends you need people because there is the most going on. It’s bad if you can’t.

4 months ago

To the places in the employment contract, where it is clear that you may choose your working hours yourself.

4 months ago

If you didn’t agree to it so contractually from the beginning, you have no right to demand it now. Either you have to stick to your contract because you have agreed or you have to quit if you don’t want to meet your wishes on a voluntary basis.