Chef erwartet mich bis Donnerstag in der Firma?

Hallo in die Runde. Ich hatte letzte Woche Corona, und merke das ich einfach immer noch nicht erholt bin. Gliederschmerzen, Kopfschmerzen, Fieber usw. Ich habe gestern meinen Arbeitgeber schon Bescheid gegeben das ich heute nicht zur Arbeit erscheine und zum Arzt gehe. Darauf hin meinte mein Chef das er mich spätestens bis Donnerstag in der Firma erwartet.
Ich fühle mich dadurch ziemlich unter druck gestellt weils mir einfach beschissen geht. Darf man sowas als Chef schreiben? Ich befinde mich noch in der Probezeit.

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4 months ago

Writing this is not forbidden. I can also write that I expect you to work tomorrow. But don’t hurt me.

Cure yourself out and go to work when you’re healthy again.

4 months ago

With a corresponding AU from the doctor everything is actually good.

The problem is that your employer does not have to give any reasons why he leaves you. It’s enough if he’s just not convinced of you or thinks you don’t fit into the company.
In this respect, he can terminate you at any time, whether with or without AU. But honestly, if the boss’s on it, I wouldn’t want to work on it either…

4 months ago

So if you’re not healthy, of course, you shouldn’t work that was already unharmed by the chef

4 months ago

It’s difficult because your boss can throw you out at any time without giving any reason. Being sick is always stupid, even if you can’t do it. That’s why I’m sorry. Either you want the job or stay home

4 months ago

Health is going on! Rehearsal time. No one can pay attention to your health except you.And corona is probably a good reason.

4 months ago

Don’t let him do this, you shouldn’t go to work.

But that you are in the trial period could be difficult because it doesn’t need any reason to throw you out