Checke nicht mit 25 % KAP-Steuer + Steuern vom Ausland?


Ich check das nicht mit der Kapitalertragsteuer.

Man hat ja eh fast alle Aktien im Ausland, aber ist das jetzt so, wie ich es verstanden hab?

MCD zahlt 100 € Dividende. USA behält 30 %/€ Steuer ein. Übrig bleiben 70 €. BRD behält von den 70 € nochmal 25 % ein, also Endbetrag ca. 50 €.

Stimmt das so?

Oder ist nach den 70 € Schluss, also DE besteuert das nicht nochmal?

Ich versteh’s halt deswegen so (ersteres), weil die ganze Zeit in den Medien von den deutschen 25 % die Rede ist, aber man in einem Weltportfolio ja sowieso kaum deutsche Aktien hat. Dementsprechend scheinen die 25 % ja auch auf ausländische Aktien anzufallen, oder?


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1 year ago

but one has hardly any German shares in a world portfolio anyway.

Well, if you want to make life hard… It becomes easier with a European (index) fund on foreign shares.

Accordingly, 25 % of foreign shares also appear to be due to

That’s it. And in your tax return you can calculate the paid foreign tax with it – but in the case of the USA Maximum 15%, You therefore pay the unpredictable share of US tax of 15% in addition to the 25% in D.

With much effort and timely planning, you can handle this:

1 year ago

No. You must first specify these foreign capital incomes (the 100€) according to §32d (3) EStG here in DE in your income tax statement, as they have not been subject to tax deduction here.

At first, 25% income tax is fixed.

As the DBA USA-DE provides for the calculation, according to §32d (5) p. 1 and 2 EStG the foreign tax (maximum 25%) can be calculated on the German tax.


100€ Dividend = 25€ German income tax.

If the US has already received 30€, you can only pay a maximum of 25€ (25%) to the German income tax, so that the tax is in the case of 0.

I have left the SolZ out for simplification.

1 year ago
Reply to  Giota210

German banks and German brokers must comply with the deduction tax even if they are foreign shares!